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AFW 2002 federal riparian buffer matrix.pdf  •  AWC 2021 home rule in washington counties and cities.pdf  •  Abbe & Montgomery 2003 wood debris queets river basin  •  Abbe et al 2003 engineered log jam for river rehabilitation  •  Abbe et al 2018 design and placement of engineered log jams  •  Abel et al 2022 evaluating puget sound ecosystem governance.pdf  •  Adler et al 2013 ecosystem services and law.pdf  •  Adopt-A-Stream Foundation 2024 wetland stream ecology training.pdf  •  Alberti et al 2016 puget sound future drivers.pdf  •  Aldrich & DeVries 2015 flood fencing.pdf  •  Allan 2004 land use and stream ecosystems  •  Allen & Leech 1997 bioengineering for streams USACE.pdf  •  Apgar et al. 2020 range-wide subyearling chinook alternative strategies  •  Arcos 2012 skokomish channel stability.pdf  •  Athearn et al 2010 mapping elevation lidar vs sonar  •  Aubry & Potash 2007 olympic native plant notebook.pdf  •  Azous & Horner 1997 wetlands and urbanization.pdf  •  BLM 1999 sampling vegetation attributes.pdf  •  Baek et al 2015 mid-spencer 60% design.pdf  •  Baker et al 2016 estuary restoration lessons learned.pdf  •  Baker et al 2020 restoration scaling HaBREM  •  Barber 2014 vegetation and sediment at port susan.pdf  •  Barnard et al 2013 water crossing design guidance.pdf  •  Barnas et al 2015 pacific salmon restoration project targeting  •  Barnhardt & Kawagley 2005 indigenous knowledge systems alaska  •  Batker et al 2010 puget sound ecosystem valuation.pdf  •  Beamer 2014 nisqually connectivity effects on salmon density.pdf  •  Beamer 2016 fisher slough restoration effectiveness.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2003 importance of non-natal pocket estuaries.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2005 nearshore and delta restoration for skagit chinook.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2005 skagit chinook recovery plan.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2006 deepwater slough effectiveness.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2006 whidbey pocket estuary fish  •  Beamer et al 2006 whidbey pocket estuary fish.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2007 fish assemblage greater skagit delta.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2013 chinook salmon non-natal stream rearing.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2011.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2012.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough monitoring report.pdf  •  Beamer et al 2018 fir island farms fish monitoring 2015-18.pdf  •  Beck et al 2001 estuarine nursery conservation  •  Beechie et al 2010 process based restoration of rivers  •  Beechie et al 2017 salmon habitat status monitoring.pdf  •  Benedict & Shaw 2012 shade benefits from hedgerow on ditched streams.pdf  •  Bennett et al. 2014 early coho outmigrants contribute to adult spawning  •  Bentrup & Hoag 1998 practical stream bioengineering guide.pdf  •  Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines.pdf  •  Berry et al 2001 shorezone users manual.pdf  •  Biddle et al 2022 national strategy protect restore floodplain wetland function.pdf  •  Blackmore 2009 obstacles to salmon recovery projects.pdf  •  Bland et al 2018 measuring risk of ecological collapse  •  Blevins et al. 2024 freshwater mussel survey.pdf  •  Bloch et al. 2019 coastal stream and embayment restoration prioritization.pdf  •  Boevers 2008 adaptive management large-scale restoration.pdf  •  Boggs & Corey 2009 whatcom drainage maintenance guidance.pdf  •  Boggs & Corey 2009 whatcom drainage maintenance plan.pdf  •  Booth et al 2004 reviving urban streams  •  Booth et al 2021 lower skykomish geomorphic assessment.pdf  •  Bowling & Lettenmaier 1997 forest road effects on streamflow  •  Boyd 2013 fisher slough monitoring lessons.pdf  •  Boyd 2016 hat slough & fisher slough lessons learned.pdf  •  Breems & Goodman 2009 wood waste assessment and remediation.pdf  •  Brennan et al 2003 nearshore salmon central puget sound.pdf  •  Breslow 2001 farmer perception of salmon recovery.pdf  •  Breslow et al 2019 social science research agenda for salish sea.pdf  •  Briske 2011 prescribed grazing.pdf  •  Briske et al 2008 rotational grazing perception and evidence.pdf  •  Brophy & van de Wetering 2012 ni-les'ton tidal wetland restoration monitoring.pdf  •  Brouwer et al 2015 floodplain early opportunities.pdf  •  Brown 2015 DRAFT nooksack floodplain vision and implementation.pdf  •  Bruggeman et al 2005 landscape equivalency analysis  •  Burdick et al 2001 salinity affects phragmites  •  CBD 2017 intent to sue oregon beaver control.pdf  •  CIG 2016 climate change in floodplains.pdf  •  CLAMP 2009 capitol lake steering committee recommendation.pdf  •  Canty 2015 NEP riparian easement advisory.pdf  •  Canty et al 2012 farmland protection puget sound.pdf  •  Carah et al 2014 low cost wood in streams  •  Cardno-entrix 2013 snow creek design report.pdf  •  Cardno 2020 lower skykomish channel migration zone.pdf  •  Carls et al 1999 herring PAH exposure effects  •  Carr et al 2014 snohomish landowner buffer preference survey.pdf  •  Celedonia 2002 forest and scrub-shrub restoration benchmarks.pdf  •  Cereghino & Busen 2023 agroforesty charrette assessment package.pdf  •  Cereghino & Ehinger 2021 science sprint application.pdf  •  Cereghino & Rivas 2020 continuous improvement at align workgroup.pdf  •  Cereghino 2004 native cutting thesis.pdf  •  Cereghino 2007 qwuloolt wetland assessment.pdf  •  Cereghino 2009 conservation marketplace concept.pdf  •  Cereghino 2009 introduction to vegetation monitoring.pdf  •  Cereghino 2009 revegetation nearshore.pdf  •  Cereghino 2010 beach ecosystem restoration programs.pdf  •  Cereghino 2013 delta metrics exploratory analysis.pptx  •  Cereghino 2014 DRAFT Integrated Nearshore Assessment.docx  •  Cereghino 2014 DRAFT integrated spatial assessment units.pdf  •  Cereghino 2014 DRAFT nimble spatial reassessment.pdf  •  Cereghino 2014 delta consortium memo to watershed leads.pdf  •  Cereghino 2014 sub-estuary inventory in puget sound.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 Snohomish overview map.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment concept.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment snohomish framework.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining.pdf  •  Cereghino 2015 working buffers info sheet.pdf  •  Cereghino 2016 DRAFT Stilly-Sno riparian zone management strategy notes.docx  •  Cereghino 2016 DRAFT funding opportunity coordination A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2016 DRAFT lower stillaguamish context.pdf  •  Cereghino 2016 Large project budget coordination A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2016 acquisition toolkit A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2016 coordinated investment governance A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2017 DRAFT culvert regulatory coordination A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2017 DRAFT flood management forum A3.docx  •  Cereghino 2017 DRAFT riparian framework.pdf  •  Cereghino 2017 continuous improvement NTA.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 DRAFT culvert guidance 19-1010.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description problem focus group.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description standard project description.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 continuous improvement proposal to ECB.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 culvert regulation workshop output document.docx  •  Cereghino 2019 objection to the green cove gardens development design.pdf  •  Cereghino 2019 summary of cutting bed installation seattle.pdf  •  Cereghino 2020 DRAFT planning and funding system.pdf  •  Cereghino 2021 climate resilience capital funding.pdf  •  Cereghino 2021 country club road stream crossing.pdf  •  Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13).pdf  •  Cereghino 2022 edmonds marsh watershed desktop assessment.pdf  •  Cereghino 2022 funding system improvement to leadership council.pdf  •  Cereghino 2022 preliminary Reiner buffer assessment.pdf  •  Cereghino 2022 science sprint methods workshop notes.pdf  •  Cereghino 2023 Reiner stewardship plan.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2012 puget sound nearshore strategy.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2018 evaluating acquisition systems.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2022 beach nourishment science sprint.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2022 science sprint fact sheet.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2023 science sprint fact sheet.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2023 science synthesis for regulation.pdf  •  Cereghino et al 2024 camp skykomish charrette output.pdf  •  Cerehgino 2016 DRAFT french creek regulatory coordination A3.docx  •  Chappell 2004 terrestrial plant associations Puget trough.pdf  •  Chappell 2004 upland plan associations puget trough.pdf  •  Chow et al 2019 urban stormwater mortality coho salmon  •  Christensen 2000 jefferson county riparian best available science.pdf  •  City of Everett 2001 snohomish estuary wetland salmon overlay.pdf  •  City of Marysville 1999 allen quilceda management plan.pdf  •  City of Olympia 2021 SEPA DNS shoreline management program update.pdf  •  Clancy et al 2009 PSNERP nearshore management measures.pdf  •  Climate Solutions 2018 washington pathway to clean energy.pdf  •  Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model  •  Coast & Harbor Engineering 2016 west bay restoration assessment.pdf  •  Coats et al 1995 tidal channel design.pdf  •  Collins & Montgomery 2002 restoring wood in river floodplains  •  Collins & Montgomery 2011 puget sound floodplain domains  •  Collins & Sheik 2005 reconstruction of puget sound tidal marsh  •  Collins et al 2002 historical wood in large rivers  •  Collins et al 2003 reconstructing puget sound floodplains  •  Collins et al 2012 floodplain large wood cycle  •  Coordinated Investment 2016 agency homework.pdf  •  Coordinated Investment 2016 draft snohomish proposal.pdf  •  Copping et al 1994 shared marine waters BC and WA.pdf  •  Cornu et al 2008 large wood placement in tidal wetlands.pdf  •  Correa 2002 WRIA 17 quilcene snow-salmon limiting factors salmon.pdf  •  Cox et al 2010 review ostroms design principles  •  Crain et al 2004 mechanisms driving salt marsh composition  •  Cramer et al 2012 stream habitat restoration guidelines.pdf  •  Crawford 2011 riparian restoration effectiveness monitoring.pdf  •  Crowder & Darris 1999 produce cuttings in beds.pdf  •  Czuba et al 2011 sediment budgets in puget sound rivers.pdf  •  DNR 2008 fidalgo bay management plan.pdf  •  Dalrymple & Choi 2007 tidal delta framework  •  Darris 2002 native plant cuttings.pdf  •  Darris 2006 suggestions for cutting installation.pdf  •  Darwin 1859 origin of the species  •  David et al 2014 chinook salmon foraging nisqually after restoration  •  DeVries 2010 lower skykomish geomorphic analysis.pdf  •  DeVries 2015 lower snohomish geomorphic assessment.pdf  •  De Leeuw et al. 1991 factors affecting intertidal salinity gradient  •  Dean 2011 farm succession strategies.pdf  •  Design  •  Detheir et al 2020 snohomish railroad grade nourishment.pdf  •  Dethier 1990 puget sound shoreline classification.pdf  •  Dethier et al 2016 impacts of armoring  •  Dethier et al 2020 Edgewater beach restoration monitoring report.pdf  •  Dethier et al 2020 snohomish beach nourishment monitoring report.pdf  •  Devine & Harrington 2010 planting garry oak.pdf  •  Dickerson-Lange 2017 nooksack watershed management watershed function.pdf  •  Diefenderfer et al 2007 multiple scale coastal restoration assessment.pdf  •  Dierker & Kronenberg 2019 response to green cove garden document review.pdf  •  Dierker & Kronenberg 2020 response to developer refusal to test.pdf  •  Dittbrenner 2015 conservation program cheat sheet.pdf  •  Dittbrenner et al 2015 working buffers analysis.pdf  •  Dittbrenner et al 2017 snohomish coastal resilience proposal.pdf  •  Drummond et al 2018 Poster edgewater bulkhead removal and boat lidar.pdf  •  Drut and Buchanan 2000 Northern Pacific coast regional shorebird conservation plan.pdf  •  Duda et al 2023 dam removal cost prediction  •  Dunwiddie et al. 2009 restoration resilience for climate change  •  Dupont 1935 how dynamite streamlines streams.pdf  •  EFC 2003 primer on habitat restoration costs.pdf  •  EPA-USACE 2008 compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources.pdf  •  ESA 2022 invasive species & salmon recovery snohomish.pdf  •  ESA et al. 2022 coastal stream and embayment fish access framework.pdf  •  ESRP 2012 red salmon slough revegetation deliverables.pdf  •  Earth Economics 2013 pierce county flood return on investment.pdf  •  Ecology 1991 public trust doctrine and coastal zone  •  Ecology 2015 riparian restoration and protection initiative grant guidelines.pdf  •  Ecosystem guild handbook DRAFT.pdf  •  Edmonds & Slingerland 2007 delta distributary bifurcation from bar formation  •  Ehinger et al 2015 DRAFT beach habitat value.pdf  •  Ehinger et al 2015 nearshore habitat value HEA.pdf  •  Ehrenfeld & Toth 1997 restoration in ecosystem context  •  Eilers 1974 nehalem marsh biogeography  •  Elefant et al 2019 stillaguamish flood control district sedimentation and subsidence.pdf  •  Ellings 2011 Nisqually Monitoring Framework.pdf  •  Evans & Moore 2011 snohomish sustainable lands strategy framework.pdf  •  Ewing 1986 skagit tidal marsh productivity  •  FCWMC 2004 french creek watershed management plan.pdf  •  FEMA 2011 floodplain habitat assessment mitigation.pdf  •  FEMA 2013 environmental benefits acquisition hazard mitigation.pdf  •  FEMA 2013 model floodplain ordinance NFIP and ESA.pdf  •  Fagherazzi et al 2012 salt marsh evolution models  •  Farm w Salmon design analysis ONE 14-0127.doc  •  Feibleman 1954 integrated levels  •  Feist et al 2017 coho mortality on urban gradient in puget sound  •  Finlayson 2005 lowland puget sound topobathymetry  •  Finlayson 2006 geomorphology of puget sound beaches.pdf  •  Flint 2012 woods creek riparian action plan.pdf  •  Flint et al 2013 woods creek habitat.pdf  •  Fodor 2000 costs of growth in washington.pdf  •  Ford et al 2011 salmon and steelhead status  •  Forests and Fish Committee 1999 forest and fish report.pdf  •  Forterra 2018 DRAFT skykomish-snohomish rivers recreation concept plan.pdf  •  Fox & Bolton 2007 typical wood quantities in unmanaged streams  •  French & Stoddart 1992 marsh hydraulics  •  Frenkel & Eilers 1976 upper limit of oregon tidal marsh  •  Frenkel & Morlan 1990 salmon river salt marsh restoration  •  Fresh 2006 juvenile salmon in nearshore.pdf  •  Fresh et al 2004 guidance restoration protection.pdf  •  Fresh et al 2006 sinclair inlet salmon use.pdf  •  Fresh et al 2011.pdf  •  Friebel 2016 fir island farms lessons learned.pdf  •  Friends of San Juans 2004 forage fish restoration and protection.pdf  •  Friends of the San Juans 2014 armoring impacts and sea level rise.pdf  •  Fuller & McArdle 2014 marsh erosion at stillaguamish delta.pdf  •  Fuller 2014 DRAFT Stillaguamish sediment reuse meeting agenda.pdf  •  Fuller 2014 stillaguamish dredged sediment reuse.pdf  •  Fuller 2015 stillaguamish pore water salinity memo.pdf  •  Fuller 2018 ESRP Webinar restoration stress resilience climate change Stillaguamish lessons.pdf  •  Fuller 2018 tnc port susan bay final monitoring report.pdf  •  Fuller et al 2011 using sea level rise model results.pdf  •  Fuller et al 2014 port susan monitoring report.pdf  •  GEI 2002 agricultural riparian buffers.pdf  •  Galster & Schwartz 1990 ediz hook case study erosion and mitigation  •  Gann et al 2019 SER restoration standards and practices  •  Gari et al 2015 review DPSIR in coastal systems  •  Gaydos et al 2008 principles design healthy ecosystems  •  Geitzen 2019 syntropic agroforestry.pdf  •  Gelfenbaum et al 2006 nearshore research strategy  •  Gendaszek 2011 ground surface water interactions chehalis.pdf  •  GeoEngineers 2008 puyallup basin levee setback feasibility.pdf  •  Gerstel et al 2012 kitsap sediment supply poster.pdf  •  Gerstel et al 2012 kitsap shoreline sediment source analysis.pdf  •  Gilbert 2014 cooperative farming.pdf  •  Gilkey & Packard 1962 oregon winter twig identification.pdf  •  Giordanengo & Mandel 2016 willow and cottonwood installation.pdf  •  Girardet 2010 regenerative cities.pdf  •  Glasgow and Jorgenson 2022 eDNA identifies non-natal fish use.pdf  •  Goetz et al 2004 PSNERP restoration principles.pdf  •  Greene & Beamer 2005 skagit delta recovery plan analysis.pdf  •  Greene & Beamer 2011 skagit intensively monitored watershed report.pdf  •  Greene et al 2012 effects of tidegates on fish.pdf  •  Greene et al 2017 effects intertidal water crossing fish passage.pdf  •  Greene et al 2021 chinook salmon estuary density dependance.pdf  •  Greiner 2010 principles strategic conservation.pdf  •  Griffith & Fuller 2012 stillaguamish delta restoration target DRAFT.pdf  •  Griffith & Van Arman 2010 stillaguamish smolt trap report.pdf  •  Grimsby et al 2007 knotweed sexual or clonal  •  Grossman 2013 skokomish survey notes.pdf  •  Grossman 2022 nisqually marsh sediment supply summary.pdf  •  Grossman et al 2011 skagit shallow stratigraphy.pdf  •  Gunderson & Holling 2002 panarchy transformation human natural systems  •  Gustafson et al 2006 cherry point herring status.pdf  •  Guthrie 2012 tidal fresh swamp revegetation.pdf  •  Guttman 2009 backshore vegetation.pdf  •  Habitat Strategic Initiative 2021 estuary and floodplain implementation strategy.pdf  •  Hall et al 2014 climate and land cover effects on stillaguamish discharge.pdf  •  Hall et al 2018 large river complexity and chinook productivity  •  Hall et al 2019 DRAFT pocket estuary inventory protocol.pdf  •  Hall et al 2019 DRAFT snohomish monitoring plan.pdf  •  Hamlet et al 2001 climate change and water resources  •  Hansen 2019 sundberg gravel pit waste extent.pdf  •  Hanson et al. 2021 seasonal diet killer whale  •  Hardin 1968 tragedy of the commons  •  Haring 1999 WRIA 18 salmon steelehad limiting factors.pdf  •  Haring 2002 snohomish wria 7 limiting factors for salmon.pdf  •  Harper & Ward 2001 beach spawning fish and shorezone types.pdf  •  Hartema et al 2015 willow livestake diameter in reed canarygrass.pdf  •  Hartema et al 2018 willow pole diameter in reed canarygrass.pdf  •  Hass 2001 snohomish ecosystem restoration opportunities.pdf  •  Hayes et al. 2019 non-natal marine basin use  •  Hayes et al 2011 bulltrout use in skagit bay  •  Heatwole 2004 crescent harbor barrier marsh insects and plants.pdf  •  Heernett 2013 deed of right for RCO.pdf  •  Henderson et al 2018 Poster boat lidar shoreline inventory.pdf  •  Herman 1986 grinnell naturalist field journal.pdf  •  Hernandez et al 2019 environmental DNA fish presence south sound  •  Herrera 2007 canyon creek restoration plan.pdf  •  Hibbs 1996 red alder stand management.pdf  •  Hill 2002 keyline yeomans and whole farm design.pdf  •  Hinman 2013 rain garden handbook western washington.pdf  •  Hinton & Hood 2007 proposal for monitoring to test design tools.pdf  •  Hirschey & Sinclair 1992 hydrogeology scatter creek black river thesis.pdf  •  Holecheck et al 2000 short duration grazing trials North America.pdf  •  Holling & Allen 2002 adaptive inference ecosystems  •  Hood 2002 channel allometry  •  Hood 2002 channel geometry effect on invertebrates  •  Hood 2006 tidal channel formation as depositional  •  Hood 2007 tidal channel and island area  •  Hood 2007 wood and skagit delta shrub swamp  •  Hood 2009 skagit monitoring strategy.pdf  •  Hood 2010 delta distributary avulsion theory in skagit river  •  Hood 2012 beaver in tidal marsh  •  Hood 2012 tidal channel reference model.xlsx  •  Hood 2013 channel geometry model.pdf  •  Hood 2014 natural tidal channel model  •  Hood 2015 factors affecting tidal channel geometry  •  Hood 2019 fir island farms monitoring yr3.pdf  •  Hughes et al 2014 nursery functions of estuaries.pdf  •  Hume & Bush 2020 final report riparian protection restoration.pdf  •  Hurner et al 2016 snohomish stillaguamish LIO ecosystem recovery plan.pdf  •  Hutchinson 1988 salt tolerance of plants  •  IEEP & Milieu 2013 multi-benefit green infrastructure.pdf  •  ISIT 1999 prioritizing WRIAs for salmon.pdf  •  Idassi 2012 agroforestry in southeast.pdf  •  Imai 2012 continuous improvement strategy  •  Jefferson 1974 oregon salt marsh communities  •  Johannessen & MacLennen 2007 beaches and bluffs white paper.pdf  •  Johannessen & Waggoner 2008 lummi shore road monitoring.pdf  •  Johannessen et al 2014 marine shoreline design guidance.pdf  •  Johnson & Ryba 1992 king county recommendations for buffer width.pdf  •  Joseph et al 2002 short duration grazing africa.pdf  •  KWL 2003 canyon creek alluvial fan risk assessment.pdf  •  Kairis & Rybczyk 2010 relative elevation model padilla bay  •  Kanissery et al 2019 glyphosate persistence and impacts on soil health  •  Katz et al 2022 flood attenuation and restoration puyallup white.pdf  •  Keller et al 2009 oakland bay septic and livestock social research.pdf  •  Kilmer et al 2023 federal grants news.pdf  •  Kindeberg et al 2022 multifunctional nature-based coastal defense  •  King County 2018 bear creek watershed management study.pdf  •  Kirwan & Guntenspergen 2010 tidal range and marshland stability  •  Kirwan & Murray 2007 tidal marsh evolution model  •  Kirwan et al 2008 goose impacts on delta wetlands  •  Klesick 2016 DRAFT SVPI concept.pdf  •  Klinka et al 1989 indicator plants British Columbia  •  Knutson & Naef 1997 riparian management recommendations.pdf  •  Koberstein et al 2017 Avian monitoring in support of estuaries vital sign.pdf  •  Konrad 2015 ecological function flood risk puget sound floodplains  •  Koski 2009 coho nomads  •  Kramer et al 2010 shoreline no net loss framework.pdf  •  Kramer et al 2010 using PSNERP for SMPs.pdf  •  Krueger et al 2010 sea level rise on forage fish spawning.pdf  •  Kubo et al 2019 snoqualmie riparian buffer best science.pdf  •  Kukowski 2011 indirect growth effects under NEPA.pdf  •  Kunze & Cornelius 1982 washington outer coast vegetation baseline.pdf  •  Kunze 1994 puget sound lowland wetland vegetation.pdf  •  Kuttel 2003 west kitsap salmon habitat assessment.pdf  •  LBC 1988 review of special purpose districts.pdf  •  LTA USFWS 2017 invest in nature benefits.pdf  •  Lacarella et al. 2024 salmon stream temperature under climate change  •  Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 beach nourishment science synthesis.pdf  •  Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 non-natal rearing.pdf  •  Lando et al 2013 salmon recovery funding board monitoring critique.pdf  •  Lanksbury et al 2017 mussel monitoring survey 2015-2016.pdf  •  Laschever 1998 washington growth management overview  •  Lawrence 2006 stillaguamish temperature TMDL strategy  •  LeDoux & Kubo 2020 snoqualmie riparian buffer task force final report.pdf  •  Lee & Hamlet 2011 skagit river climate science  •  Legg & Olson 2015 identifying migrating stream channels in GIS  •  Leonetti 2015 stillaguamish temperature TMDL study.pdf  •  Leonetti et al 2015 north fork stillaguamish habitat change.pdf  •  Lestelle et al 2004 EDT model structure.pdf  •  Liedtke et al 2013 conservation and ecology of marine forage fish  •  Lipsky 2010 whidbey stakeholder preferences.pdf  •  Long et al 2011 snow-salmon estuary restoration monitoring report.pdf  •  Lucchetta et al 2014 land use regulation and stream flow king county.pdf  •  Lyons & Ramsey 2013 tide gate synthesis.pdf  •  MC2 2018 lead entity lean study.pdf  •  MRSC 2003 special districts in washington.pdf  •  MacDonald et al 2013 elwha nearshore workshop proceedings.pdf  •  MacLennan et al 2017 beach strategies phase one summary.pdf  •  MacLennan et al 2017 north sound feeder bluff armor removal study.pdf  •  Massaua et al 2012 port susan conservation plan.pdf  •  Maudlin & Coe 2011 SF Nooksack ELJ effectiveness.pdf  •  Mauger & Kennard 2017 climate change and flood hazard management.pdf  •  Mauger et al 2015 puget sound climate change  •  Mauger et al 2015 snohomish downscale hydrologic projections.pdf  •  Mauger et al 2016 climate change and floodplain decision support.pdf  •  May & Peterson 2003 kitsap salmon refugia report.pdf  •  May 2003 riparian best available science puget lowland.pdf  •  May et al 1997 urbanization of small streams.pdf  •  McBride et al 2009 nearshore habitat geomorphic classification.pdf  •  McDonald et al 2016 SER international restoration standards.pdf  •  McElhany et al 2000 viable salmon populations and recovery.pdf  •  McHenry et al 2007 ELJ monitoring elwha river.pdf  •  McManus et al 2020 vital sign evaluation.pdf  •  Meadows 2008 thinking in systems  •  Meidev & Neslon 2016 qwuloolt lessons learned.pdf  •  Melillo et al 2014 national climate assessment USA.pdf  •  Mickelson 2009 crescent creek freshwater input analysis.pdf  •  Mickelson et al 2009 crescent harbor monitoring plan.pdf  •  Minore 1983 thuja plicata literature review.pdf  •  Moffat & Bending 2000 soil restoration loose tipping  •  Mofjeld et al 2002 tidal datum distribution puget sound  •  Molnar et al 2012 british columbia nearshore ecosystem services valuation.pdf  •  Montgomery 1999 process domains and river continuum  •  Montgomery et al 2003 geomorphic effects of wood in rivers  •  Moore et al 2003 vegetation monitoring manual.pdf  •  Morris 2007 biomass affects salt marsh accretion  •  Morris et al 2002 coastal wetland sea level rise  •  Mote et al 2003 preparing for climate change salmon water and forests  •  Mote et al 2008  •  Mudd et al 2009 tidal marsh, sea level, productivty and carbon  •  Mumford 2007 kelp and eelgrass in puget sound.pdf  •  Murcia et al 2014 novel ecosystem critique  •  Murphy 2020 no one asked for ethnography  •  Murphy et al 2014 PSEMP program review.pdf  •  Murphy et al 2014 puget sound ecosystem monitoring program evaluation  •  NHC 2006 skykomish snoqualmie flood insurance report.pdf  •  NOAA-USFWS 1999 safe harbor agreement policy.pdf  •  NOAA & USFWS 2013 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion.pdf  •  NOAA & USFWS 2015 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion.pdf  •  NOAA & WDFW 2018 killer whale chinook stock priorities.pdf  •  NOAA 1996 effects of actions on watershed properly functioning condition.pdf  •  NOAA 2000 habitat equivalency analysis overview.pdf  •  NOAA 2009 NWR restoration center programmatic biological opinion.pdf  •  NOAA 2017 Puget Sound ESA status salmonids.pdf  •  NOAA 2020 nearshore batch jeopardy opinion.pdf  •  NOAA 2022 mitigation policy.pdf  •  NOAA NMFS 2011 fish passage design.pdf  •  NOSC 2005 intertidal forage fish spawning sites Jefferson Kitsap Mason counties.pdf  •  NOSC 2009 salmon estuary monitoring plan.pdf  •  NWIFC 2011 treaty rights at risk.pdf  •  Naiman et al 2010 process-based floodplain forest patterns  •  Norman et al 1997 mine reclamation best practices.pdf  •  Norris & Fraser 2009 eelgrass near port angeles.pdf  •  Norris et al 2001 preliminary eelgrass monitoring.pdf  •  OCEP 2022 west bay yards inconsistency.pdf  •  Olympia 1997 grass lakes master plan.pdf  •  Olympia 2015 gold crest HOA greenbelt assessment.pdf  •  Olympia 2018 surface and storm water plan.pdf  •  Olympia 2019 stormwater management program plan.pdf  •  Ostrom 1990 governing the commons  •  Otak 2009 edgecomb creek relocation study.pdf  •  PCC Farmland Trust 2016 easement sample.pdf  •  PGG 2012 leque island restoration camano island groundwater.pdf  •  PNRS 2013 effects of timber thinning on habitat.pdf  •  PSI 2015 puget sound fact book.pdf  •  PSRC 2018 regional open space conservation plan.pdf  •  PSRITT 2015 chinook monitoring adaptive management framework.pdf  •  PWA 2008 deschutes estuary restoration feasibility.pdf  •  PWA et al 2004 fir island connector assessment.pdf  •  Parametrix 2003 scatter creek habitat conservation plan reports.pdf  •  Parametrix 2010 fisher slough monitoring plan.pdf  •  Pearsall et al 2021 salmon marine survival synthesis.pdf  •  Pelletier & Bilhimer 2004 stillaguamish temperature TMDL study  •  Pentilla 2007 forage fish marine puget sound.pdf  •  Penttila 2001 shading and surf smelt egg survival.pdf  •  Pess et al 2011 salmon density on Elwha ELJs  •  Peters 2006 horizontal policy management  •  Peters 2009 washington water rights for agricultural producers.pdf  •  Peterson et al 2015 climate change preparedness plan.pdf  •  Peterson et al 2015 climate preparedness north olympic peninsula.pdf  •  Phillip Burgess 2019 green cove park no additional testing.pdf  •  Pierce 2011 high resolution aerial imagery change detection.pdf  •  Podger 2013 sulfide effects on aquatic organisms.pdf  •  Pollock et al 2015 beaver restoration guidebook.pdf  •  Polster 2002 soil bioengineering techniques.pdf  •  Porrini 2018 fir island farms invertebrate monitoring.pdf  •  Porro et al 2022 Assessing Effects Of Estuarine Restoration On Birds ESRP presentation.pdf  •  Porro et al 2022 effects of estuarine restoration on bird populations in north Puget Sound.pdf  •  Port Angeles 2014 shoreline restoration plan  •  Presentation  •  Puettmann et al 1993 alder density management.pdf  •  Quinn et al 2012 surf smelt spawning camano island  •  Quinn et al 2013 coho salmon elwha delta pre restoration  •  Quinn et al 2018 riparian science summary.pdf  •  RCO 2015 salmon recovery network.pdf  •  RCO et al 2023 Align grant coordination MOU.pdf  •  Ralston et al 2016 BC compost toilet greywater manual.pdf  •  Rapp & Abbe 2003 channel migration zone.pdf  •  Raymond et al 2022 heat wave and shellfish  •  Redmond et al 2005 nearshore salmon recovery plan.pdf  •  Reeves et al 2002 shorezone and beach spawning fish presentation.pdf  •  Rentz et al 2020 WDFW riparian management recommendations.pdf  •  Rice 2006 surf smelt egg mortality and shade  •  Rice 2011 DRAFT qwuloolt monitoring plan.pdf  •  Riner 2019 opposition to development.pdf  •  Robinson & Sayre 2019 opposition to green cove development with attachments.pdf  •  Roegner et al 2008 columbia river estuary restoration monitoring protocols.pdf  •  Roni et al 2013 DRAFT BPA columbia river restoration monitoring plan  •  Roni et al 2015 basin scale monitoring river restoration  •  Roni et al 2015 wood placement summary

Websites & Datasets

Climate Action Toolkit  •  County Mapping Tools  •  Curriculum for the Bioregion  •  David W Jamison's Puget Sound Sea Life  •  EZview  •  Encyclopedia of Puget Sound  •  Google Earth Engine  •  Google Earth Pro  •  Headwaters of the Salish Sea  •  Methow Grown  •  Monitoringmethods.org  •  NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service  •  Nearshore Data Exchange  •  NorWeST Database  •  On-Line Mapping Tools  •  On line video clips  •  PRISM - RCO Project Information System  •  Puget Sound Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool  •  Regional spatial and remote sensing data  •  Report archives  •  Riparian Data Engine  •  River History Project  •  Salmon Conservation and Recovery Engine (SCoRE)  •  Salmon Population Summary Database  •  Salmonscape  •  Shoreline Monitoring Database  •  Snohomish County River Atlas  •  Sound Impacts  •  Stable Public Archives  •  The Conservation Gateway  •  The Nearshore Map Portal  •  USDA Geospatial Data Gateway  •  US Interagency Elevation Inventory  •  Watershed Maps  •  Web Soil Survey
