Beamer et al 2013 chinook salmon non-natal stream rearing
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Beamer, E. M., Zackey, W. T., Marks, D., Teel, D., Kuligowski, D., and R. Henderson. 2013. Juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in small non-natal streams draining into the Whidbey Basin. Skagit River System Cooperative, La Conner, WA.
- Seminal study on non-natal small coastal stream use by juvenile Chinook
- Included in Science Sprints to Support Regulation as part of the synthesis on Non-natal Nearshore Rearing of Salmon.
- Early documentation of juvenile chinook salmon rearing in small freshwater streams as non-natal coastal rearing habitat.
- Similar to, and expanding the concept of "pocket estuaries".
- "A minimum watershed size of approximately 45 hectares with channel slopes less than 6.5% may be necessary before juvenile Chinook salmon potential exists."