Welcome to Salish Sea Restoration
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Beach Nourishment
Is small scale beach nourishment meaningful mitigation? (New cross-agency science synthesis).
Non-natal Nearshore Rearing of Salmon
What happens with baby salmon once they leave the rivers--a new synthesis.
South Puget Sound
Prototype layout for Regional Scale pages, using a region with a collection.
Page Types
We curate five types of pages, each with distinct content:
Workgroups - organizations and institutions doing work.
Efforts - the work of workgroups.
Products - files developed by efforts, including documents, graphics and websites.
Places - nested pages describing the regions, catchments and landforms of the Salish Sea.
Topics - collected evidence on that help us understand subjects.
Why Join Us?
If you are working to restore the Salish Sea ecosystem you depend on topical and place-based knowledge about complex social-ecological systems. Knowledge sharing is collective empowerment. Salish Sea Restoration is our only peer-to-peer platform for open knowledge management created by and for ecosystem professionals.
- Circulate evidence and place-based knowledge about Places you live and work.
- Share hard-to-find Products and archive Documents that might otherwise be lost.
- Organize resources and identify questions about Topics of interest.
- Map the Efforts of local Workgroups in Places to broaden and connect our networks.
Learn To Contribute
You can contribute information and resources to the platform by learning a few simple skills and getting familiar with our style guide.
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- Newest Pages
- Cutthroat Trout
- Coho Salmon
- Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative
- Solar Water Pumps
- Community Sustaining Fund of Thurston County
- Newest Documents
- Blevins et al. 2024 freshwater mussel survey.pdf
- Murphy 2020 no one asked for ethnography
- NOAA 2022 mitigation policy.pdf
- Gaydos et al 2008 principles design healthy ecosystems
- Barnhardt & Kawagley 2005 indigenous knowledge systems alaska
- Recent Page Edits