Anthropogenic Topics (The Anthropocene)

From Salish Sea Wiki

Visible radiation from human settlements

Our tree of Topic pages is divided into two large trunks. Anthropogenic Topics encompass information about the human use and transformation of the Salish Sea and surrounding lands. These are topics that would not occur but for the colonization and settlement of the Salish Sea by an industrial culture. We currently use four branches to organize information about these effects. Land Use describes the broadscale conversation of the land to human purposes, including Forestry, Agriculture, Industrial as well as two patterns of settlement: Urban and Rural. This also includes land reserved as Conservation Lands. Infrastructure topics concern the various constructed systems that enable these uses, a network of roads, walls, pipes, wires, and rails that are the enabling tools of the Anthropocene, and with a significant limb concerning Water Management. We have a branch devoted to Climate Change. Finally, we have devoted a large limb to Socioeconomics which encompasses all the relationship systems and behaviors that we have evolved that make it all possible. Some topics in the socioeconomics categories reference large scale phenomena that result from cultural patterns or economic decisions. For example, Toxics describe a wide range of past and current decisions to release hazardous substances into the ecosystem. Nutrient Pollution describes ongoing decisions to distribute and release nutrients into the ecosystem. Because these phenomena occur across multiple land uses and infrastructures, and represent the cummulative outcome of many social-economic decisions, we organize these topics in this way. Other-than-human topics are categorized as Ecosystem Topics which focus on the processes, structures, and functions of ecosystems as they evolves and behaves outside of our industrial systems. We recognize that this dichotomy is both arbitrary and very useful, and that human activities and effects can be both negative and positive.


We are collecting general notes about the patterns and relationships among anthropogenic topics here.

  • Note

Infrastructure & Climate Change

303(d) Listing  • Alternative Shoreline Armoring  • Aquaculture  • Beaver  • Clean Water Act  • Coastal Management  • Coho Mortality from Road Stormwater  • Composting Toilets  • Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas  • Deschutes Climate Resilience Planning  • Effects of Forest Management on Stream Flow  • Effects of Stormwater Pollution on Fish  • Energy  • Executive Order 11988  • Feeder Bluffs  • Flood Hazard Management  • Flood fencing  • Grey Water  • Groundwater  • Groundwater recharge  • HB 1181 (2023)  • Harvesting Surface Water for Irrigation  • Hood Canal Bridge  • Hood Canal Low Oxygen Levels  • In-Stream Flow  • Infrastructure  • Integrated Floodplain Management  • Letter of Map Revision  • LiDAR  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)  • Nitrogen  • No Rise and The Letter of Map Revision  • Nooksack Watershed General Stream Adjudication  • River Delta Flood Management and Drainage  • Riverscape  • Roads and Streams  • Shoreline Management Act  • Snohomish Climate Resilience Planning  • Solar Water Pumps  • Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utilities  • Stormwater Monitoring with Mussels  • Stream Crossings and Fish Passage Barriers  • Temporary Water Right for Restoration Irrigation  • Total Maximum Daily Load  • Wastewater  • Water Harvesting for Restoration  • Water Rights  • Water Sustainability Act  • Watershed Planning Act

Climate Change

Land Use

303(d) Listing  • Agriculture  • Agroforestry  • Alnus  • Beach Nourishment  • Benthic Index of Biological Integrity  • Biochar  • Clean Water Act  • Coho Mortality from Road Stormwater  • Community-Supported Agriculture  • Community Forests  • Composting Toilets  • Comprehensive Plan  • Coppice  • Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas  • Critical Areas Regulation  • Cushman Hydroelectric Project  • Desktop Mapping Resources for Stewardship Site Assessment  • Effects of Forest Management on Stream Flow  • Effects of Stormwater Pollution on Fish  • Flood Hazard Management  • Forest Practices Act  • Glyphosate  • Grey Water  • Groundwater recharge  • Growth Management Act  • HB 1181 (2023)  • Harvesting Surface Water for Irrigation  • Holistic Management  • Impact fees  • Industrial Land Use  • Integrated Floodplain Management  • Integrated Riverscape Management  • Land Cover and Development  • Loraine Loomis Act  • Low Impact Development  • Managed Retreat  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)  • Nitrogen  • Off-Grid Housing  • Riparian Buffers  • River Delta Flood Management and Drainage  • Rural Land Use  • Scythes  • Shellfish Aquaculture  • Solar Water Pumps  • Stormwater Monitoring with Mussels  • Stream Temperature and Salmon  • Syntropic Agroforestry  • Temporary Worker Housing  • Tiny Houses  • Unconstitutional Regulatory Takings  • Urban Land Use  • Voluntary Stewardship Program  • Wood Waste


2030 Nature Strategy and Nature Accountability Bill  •  Beach social dynamics  •  Best Available Science  •  Biocultural Restoration  •  Bioregionalism  •  Clean Water Act  •  Climate Commitment Act  •  Coastal Zone Management Act  •  Coho Mortality from Road Stormwater  •  Common Pool Resource Management  •  Community-Supported Agriculture  •  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act  •  Comprehensive Plan  •  Conservation Futures  •  Critical Areas Regulation  •  Cumulative Effects  •  Delta Management for Waterfowl  •  Effects of Stormwater Pollution on Fish  •  Endangered Species Act  •  Executive Order 11988  •  Farm Bill  •  Federal Nexus  •  Fishery Harvest  •  Forest Practices Act  •  Forms of Capital and Multi-Capitalism  •  General Purpose Local Government  •  Glyphosate  •  Growth Management Act  •  HB 1181 (2023)  •  Habitat Equivalency Analysis  •  Hazardous Substances  •  Hearings Examiner  •  Hirst Decision and Streamflow Restoration  •  Hydraulic Project Approval  •  In-Lieu Fee Mitigation  •  In-Stream Flow  •  Initiative 1631 - Protect Washington Act  •  Kaizen  •  Letter of Map Revision  •  Mitigation  •  Model Toxics Control Act  •  Multiple Scale Analysis  •  National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)  •  National Historic Preservation Act  •  National Historical Preservation Act  •  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)  •  Natural Resource Damage Assessment  •  No Rise and The Letter of Map Revision  •  Nooksack Watershed General Stream Adjudication  •  Nutrient Pollution  •  Oil Pollution Act  •  Open Space Technology  •  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons  •  Public Goods  •  Public Trust Doctrine  •  Rights of Nature  •  Rivers and Harbors Act  •  Salmon and Steelhead Co-management  •  Shoreline Management Act  •  Sociocracy  •  Southern Resident Killer Whale  •  State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)  •  Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utilities  •  Stormwater Monitoring with Mussels  •  Temporary Worker Housing  •  The Boldt Decision  •  Three Horizons Practice  •  Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Science  •  Unconstitutional Regulatory Takings  •  Viable Salmon Population Parameters  •  Voluntary Stewardship Program  •  Volunteers and Liability  •  Washington State Capital Budget  •  Water Rights  •  Water Sustainability Act  •  Watershed Planning Act  •  Wood Waste