In-Lieu Fee Mitigation
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In lieu fee programs meet compensatory mitigation requirements by defining a cost for a habitat unit, and then directs funds to restoration actions. Typically credit is issued prior to construction, and the program is administered by an accountable conservation entity. Audits are used to update unit costs.
- - EPA provides a vast list of documents describing compensatory mitigation guidance, regulation, and history.
- EPA work revolves around a 2008 EPA/USACE wetlands compensatory mitigation rulemaking (EPA-USACE 2008)
- Site selection based on landscape assessment
- Enforceable performance standards and monitoring
- Components of a complete compensation plan
- Objectives
- Site protection instrument
- Baseline information
- Work plan
- Maintenance plan
- Performance standards
- Monitoring requirements
- Financial assurances
- Site selection factors
- Credit determination
- Long-term management plan
- Adaptive management plan
- 225 day four step review process.
- Phase 1 In Lieu Fee program prospectus includes:
- Objectives
- How the Bank or ILF program will be established and operated
- Proposed service area
- Need and technical feasibility
- Ownership arrangements
- Qualifications
- Compensation planning framework
- Description of ILF program account
- Phase 2 Draft Instrument includes
- Service area
- Accounting procedures
- Provision stating legal liability
- Default and closure provisions
- Reporting protocols
- Compensation planning framework
- Advance credits
- Fee schedule
- Method for determining fees and credits
- Description of in-lieu fee program account
- EPA work revolves around a 2008 EPA/USACE wetlands compensatory mitigation rulemaking (EPA-USACE 2008)
- Interagency Review Team for WA