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See also Washington State Department of Ecology
Ecology is a Ecosystem Topic which contains information about the interactions among populations and the physical environment. Biology is used for information concerning a single species, while Geophysics describes physical systems. Landform could be considered a sub-category of ecology, but its broad use in defining Place and its overlap with Anthropogenic Topics suggest its elevation in our framework. Ecological topics on the platform are an organic collection. Biogeography is an overarching topic that more generally considers how the community of life is arranged spatially, in response to any driver. Biodiversity considers the number of species at different Spatial Scales, often an indicator of ecosystem condition and a target for Restoration or Protection and strongly affected by Landform. Food Webs include information about who consumes whom, and how this reflects a transfer of nutrients and energy through an ecosystem, or sustains a population. Introduced Species is a topic of much concern to people, as our global dispersal of organisms is a source of rapid ecological change. Limiting Factors are a narrower topic, common in Salmon Recovery Planning which considers what aspects of a landscape constrain a depressed population--a Planning exercise that usually aims to prioritize Funding. Wildfire is such a powerful force in ecosystems, and has a wide range of physcial and biological effects.
New topics might be added to expand this set, as warranted by additions of platform content.
Ecology Architecture Pages
Describing an array of categories and content pages within a page type.
Ecology Content Pages
Organizing and presenting the content within an intesection of categories.
Ecology Topics[edit]
10 Topics in Ecology