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Planning efforts are a kind of Social Change effort where Workgroups collaborate to use Monitoring or Research or Spatial Data to evaluate a situation, and the develop a set of Efforts, and memorialize the intent to do work in a Product usually a Document and often including Maps. Most institutions do planning, and many are Legally required to do so. Sometimes planning is done at the scale of Catchments or Landforms. The world is awash in plans, however many lack the Funding for implementation. Planning can involve reductionist approaches, may ignore uncertainty, failing to incorporate Systems Theory or Adaptive Management. Plans often focus on a single issue, like Salmon or Water Quality or Agriculture. ltimately Integrated Ecosystem Management may require planning strategies that consider the relationships among different needs in Places.
Workgroups and Efforts in Planning by Region
5 Efforts in South Puget Sound- Thurston County Aquisition Assessment
- Nisqually To Point Defiance Nearshore Restoration Assessment
- Nisqually Delta Distributary Restoration Pre-design
- Thurston County Basin Assessment
- Regional Support Team for Biocultural Restoration of Riverscapes
All Workgroups and Efforts in Planning
- Beach Strategies for Nearshore Restoration and Protection in Puget Sound
- British Columbia Coastal Marine Strategy
- Bulkhead Removal Feasibility for Localized Restoration
- Clallam County Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
- Continuous Improvement
- Coordinated Investment
- Delta Metrics Project
- Envision Skagit 2060
- Feeder Bluff Mapping
- Fire and Flow Forum
- Fuller 2014 DRAFT Stillaguamish sediment reuse meeting agenda
- Green River Stormwater Retrofit Estimate
- Integrated Nearshore Priorities Project
- Kitsap County Regional Shoreline Restoration Project
- Kitsap Natural Resource Asset Management Project
- Lower Skykomish Reach Scale Plan
- Measuring Coastal Bluff Recession Rates Throughout the Puget Sound Region
- Native Riverscape Agroforestry/Design Toolkit
- Nearshore Strategies Analysis
- Nisqually Delta Distributary Restoration Pre-design
- Nisqually To Point Defiance Nearshore Restoration Assessment
- Nooksack Floodplain Integrated Management Planning
- Pierce County Levee Setback Planning
- Predicting Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ag Production
- Prioritizing Beach Restoration and Protection
- Puget Sound Mapping Project
- Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan
- Puget Sound Vital Signs
- Puget Sound Watershed Characterization Project
- Regional Support Team for Biocultural Restoration of Riverscapes
- Skagit Farm, Fish and Flood Initiative
- Sno-Stilly Riparian Zone Management Strategy
- Snohomish Delta Ecosystem Monitoring and Evaluation
- Snohomish Railroad Grade Beach Nourishment
- Social Marketing to Reduce Shoreline Armoring
- Stillaguamish Delta Dynamics Affecting Restoration
- Technical Assistance Registry
- Thurston County Aquisition Assessment
- Thurston County Basin Assessment
- Whatcom Drainage Maintenance Guidance
- Working Buffer Pilot Project