Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan
From Salish Sea Wiki
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Placeholder for a good summary of what salmon recovery planning looks like
- https://www.psp.wa.gov/shared-salmon-strategy/index.htm - The original project which crafted the Washington State salmon recovery plan, including the Puget Sound Chinook plan.
- https://www.psp.wa.gov/salmon-recovery-overview.php - a robust overview by Puget Sound Partnership which is the recovery coordinator for Puget Sound Chinook.
- https://rco.wa.gov/salmon-recovery/governors-salmon-recovery-office/ - An office within RCO that coordinates salmon recovery statewide
- https://rco.wa.gov/boards/salmon-recovery-funding-board/ - The state board that administers state salmon appropriations matched by the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund
- NOAA manages Threatened and Endangered Listing of salmon under ESA -
- Part of that listing process includes 5-year status review, with the last in 2016.