- Salish Sea References
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Socioeconomics is one of a set of Anthropogenic Topics. It is concerned with the "invisible elements" of anthropogenic systems, which includes. These are the drivers of more tangble Anthropogenic topics such as Climate Change, Land Use and Infrastructures. The current organization of this topic is fairly ad hoc, with the Legal category being the most developed, including a wide range of topics related to Federal, State and Local codes, regulations, and policies. The Canadian side of these systems is far less developed. Socioeconomic topics tend to underly most human Efforts and create the operating environment for Funding, Knowledge Creation, Protection and Social Change. Socioeconomic dynamics can vary by Place. Different roles within socioeconomic systems are played by myraid Workgroups.
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- Nothing here yet.
Socioeconomics Topics[edit]
76 Topics in Socioeconomics
Efforts and Products in Socioeconomics[edit]
38 documents in Socioeconomics- Abel et al 2022 evaluating puget sound ecosystem governance
- Blackmore 2009 obstacles to salmon recovery projects
- Breslow 2001 farmer perception of salmon recovery
- Breslow et al 2019 social science research agenda for salish sea
- Carr et al 2014 snohomish landowner buffer preference survey
- Cereghino 2010 beach ecosystem restoration programs
- Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
- Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13)
- Cereghino et al 2023 science synthesis for regulation
- City of Nanaimo 2024 sustainability monitoring plan
- Cox et al 2010 review ostroms design principles
- EPA-USACE 2008 compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources
- Gari et al 2015 review DPSIR in coastal systems
- Hardin 1968 tragedy of the commons
- IEEP & Milieu 2013 multi-benefit green infrastructure
- Keller et al 2009 oakland bay septic and livestock social research
- Lipsky 2010 whidbey stakeholder preferences
- Meadows 2008 thinking in systems
- Molnar et al 2012 british columbia nearshore ecosystem services valuation
- Ostrom 1990 governing the commons
- Ryder et al 2010 defining best available science
- SDHP 2014 skagit hydrodynamic model report
- Schuster & Doerr 2015 guide for ecosystem service valuation in coastal restoration
- Social Marketing Project 2014 Social marketing approach and campaign implementation tools
- Social Marketing Project 2014 barriers motivations literature review
- Social Marketing Project 2014 evaluating barriers and motivators
- Social Marketing Project 2014 final report
- Social Marketing Project 2014 how to guide for shore friendly campaign implementers
- Social Marketing Project 2014 identifying behaviors mapping decisions
- Social Marketing Project 2014 marketing shoreline parcel segmentation
- Social Marketing Project 2014 reduce shoreline armoring
- Social Marketing Project 2014 research synthesis and audience map
- Social Marketing Project 2014 shoreline owner parcel characteristics
- Social Marketing Project 2014 survey shoreline property owners
- Soloviev & Landua 2016 regenerative agriculture levels
- Stelk & Christie 2014 wetland service valuation
- Sullivan et al 2006 defining best available science for fisheries and environmental
- West et al 2018 stewardship care relational values