Architecture and Content Pages

From Salish Sea Wiki

See also Page Type

As the platform develops pages contain more and more detailed information. To organize all those pages, we use Architecture Pages and Content Pages within page type. Architecture pages present the categories and content pages that are available within a space of interest. Content pages present a set of Places, Topics, Workgroups, Efforts, Products that define our knowledge of a particular space at the intersection of a set of topics. For example, the Snohomish Estuary is a Content Page that describes all the pages at the intersection of Category:Snohomish and Category:River Delta. How we use Architecture Page and Content Page currently varies among page types.

Place Icon.png   Places[edit]

Bioregions are made of places within places. As content accumulates, we develop content pages at smaller and smaller scales.

Architecture Pages

Our Place page architecture is based on our definitions of Scale

Catchment Scale  •  Headwaters  •  Landforms  •  Patch Scale  •  Regions  •  River Deltas  •  Sites

Content Pages

We generally present content at the scale of Regions and also Landform which is an important scale for Planning and Restoration

Topic Icon.png   Topics[edit]

Topics are not unlike a are made of places within places.

Workgroup Icon.png   Workgroups[edit]

Workgroups are organized by sector and strata while workgroup pages profile a particular institution.

Architecture Pages

Architecture Pages present whole categories of workgroups.

Content Pages

Content pages generally present a constellation of workgroups organized around topics or efforts.

Effort Icon.png   Efforts[edit]

Efforts are organized by purpose.

Architecture Pages


Product Icon.png   Products[edit]

Products are generally the most numerous, but are organized by place, topic and other .

Architecture Pages


Content Pages
