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Municipalities are workgroups within a county that have jurisdiction over a urban area. The Municipality then assumes a large range of the responsibilities and authorities delegated to general purpose governments by the State or Province. More specifically, each municipality makes its own decision about how to implement the Growth Management Act or the Shoreline Master Program, and through zoning and regulation controls Land Use. Development frequently occurs within municipal boundaries, which becomes the driver for Mitigation and Transfer of Development Rights programs. Because of their exposure to the concerns of their citizens, small staffs, and requirements to implement local, state and federal laws, municipalities generally struggle to implement integrated ecosystem stewardship.

Page under development

  • We need a rational decision for whether munipipalities are places or workgroups or both. I think the answer is both.
  • Visit the workgroup page and identify cities and towns.
  • Add the [[category:municipal] tag
  • Create an automatic list of that category here
  • Reference legal issues related to municipal authority.



Here is a complete list of municipalities in Puget Sound region with 2014 population estimates