Anthropogenic Topics
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Anthropogenic Topics describe the structures, processes and functions of human societies, in contrast to Ecological Topics. Most broadly we consider Land Use as the process of modifying natural Vegetation and soils for human-centered purposes. Land use can vary from Industrial facilities, to a spectrum of housing density from Urban to Rural, with Agriculture most common in Floodplains and Forestry on the periphery. A mosaic of Conservation Lands aim to avoid the negative impacts of land use. These land uses are supported by systems of Infrastructures. Transportation and Energy networks connect settlements. Flood Management includes a variety of infrastructure. Coastal Management concerns infrastructure along the sea shore including armoring, docks, ramps, and forests. All these topics are entwined with Socioeconomic forces that encompass the wants and needs and thought patterns of people.
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Anthropogenic Topics Topics[edit]
144 Topics in Anthropogenic Topics