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Beaver are an ecosystem architect species, that modifies the landscape in a way that fundamentally alters the processes, structures, and functions of stream and rivers.
- A 2021 California Beaver Summit has posted a series of presentation videos.
National and Popular Literature[edit]
- The Beaver Institute aims to be a national organization supporting coexistance with beaver.
- They have an extensive library.
- Permaculture Magazine published a couple articles on beaver.
- Eager, the surprising secret life of beavers and why the matter is a new book on the topic.
- is a beaver coexistance advocacy resource based in Martinez, California.
- Musecology podcast about the Martinez Beaver.
- Video by Grist about Snoqualmie Valley farmer working with beaver.
- Crosscut Video about Tulalip Tribes beaver relocation program.
Cascadian Workgroups and Efforts[edit]
- Video of 2024 presentation at Floodplains by Design
- The Methow Valley Beaver Project pioneered beaver reintroduction in Washington in the Methow Valley
- Pollock and others have been using beaver occupation to accrete floodplain after incision on the east side.
- The Tulalip Tribes have begun beaver relocation as part of their salmon recovery work.
- WDFW and a living with beavers publication
- Pollock et al 2015 beaver restoration guidebook describes best practices in a federal-local publication with NPLCC support.
- Google Scholar search for "Beaver" and "Pollock" provides fertile ground for local beaver research.
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects of Beaver Dams and Their Influence on Fishes
- The Importance of Beaver Ponds to Coho Salmon Production in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Washington, USA
- Hood 2012 beaver in tidal marsh describes beaver settlement of tidal systems and intense Chinook salmon use of ponds for rearing.
- Hood is cited among others in - article on saltwater beaver in Puget Sound.
- Whatcom Drainage Maintenance Guidance describes practices for suppressing beaver and their activity in wetlands drained for agriculture.
- The French Creek Drainage Management effort revolves around an attempt to shift to woody vegetation on ditches to restore water quality and fish habitat amidst a beaver population.
- Beavers Northwest is a local NGO involved in beaver advocacy.
- CBD 2017 describes the Center for Biological Diversity and Northwest Environmental Advocates intent to sue USFWS, claiming that their Oregon coast beaver control activities were a violation of their obligations under the Endangered Species Act to protect and restore endangered Coho salmon populations.
- APHIS is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service within the USDA that among many activities provides beaver management assistance (including trapping) to protect crops, roads, and other infrastructure.