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Just go to google scholar type in a competent search such as the document title, and then paste search query from the address window and add the wiki markup and some link text. The example above produces the following results:
Google Scholar Search for Simenstad & Cordell 2000
- AFW 2002 federal riparian buffer matrix
- AWC 2021 home rule in washington counties and cities
- Abbe & Montgomery 2003 wood debris queets river basin
- Abbe et al 2003 engineered log jam for river rehabilitation
- Abbe et al 2018 design and placement of engineered log jams
- Abel et al 2022 evaluating puget sound ecosystem governance
- Adler et al 2013 ecosystem services and law
- Adopt-A-Stream Foundation 2024 wetland stream ecology training
- Alberti et al 2016 puget sound future drivers
- Aldrich & DeVries 2015 flood fencing
- Allan 2004 land use and stream ecosystems
- Allen & Leech 1997 bioengineering for streams USACE
- Apgar et al. 2020 range-wide subyearling chinook alternative strategies
- Arbeider et al 2023 salmon estuary growth and residence compilation
- Arcos 2012 skokomish channel stability
- Athearn et al 2010 mapping elevation lidar vs sonar
- Aubry & Potash 2007 olympic native plant notebook
- Azous & Horner 1997 wetlands and urbanization
- BLM 1999 sampling vegetation attributes
- Baek et al 2015 mid-spencer 60% design
- Baker et al 2016 estuary restoration lessons learned
- Baker et al 2020 restoration scaling HaBREM
- Barber 2014 vegetation and sediment at port susan
- Barnard et al 2013 water crossing design guidance
- Barnas et al 2015 pacific salmon restoration project targeting
- Barnhardt & Kawagley 2005 indigenous knowledge systems alaska
- Batker et al 2010 puget sound ecosystem valuation
- Beamer 2014 nisqually connectivity effects on salmon density
- Beamer 2016 fisher slough restoration effectiveness
- Beamer et al 2003 importance of non-natal pocket estuaries
- Beamer et al 2005 nearshore and delta restoration for skagit chinook
- Beamer et al 2005 skagit chinook recovery plan
- Beamer et al 2006 deepwater slough effectiveness
- Beamer et al 2006 whidbey pocket estuary fish
- Beamer et al 2007 fish assemblage greater skagit delta
- Beamer et al 2013 chinook salmon non-natal stream rearing
- Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2011
- Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2012
- Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough monitoring report
- Beamer et al 2018 fir island farms fish monitoring 2015-18
- Beamer et al 2024 landscape determinants of estuary habitat use chinook salmon
- Beck et al 2001 estuarine nursery conservation
- Beechie et al 2010 process based restoration of rivers
- Beechie et al 2017 salmon habitat status monitoring
- Benedict & Shaw 2012 shade benefits from hedgerow on ditched streams
- Bennett et al. 2014 early coho outmigrants contribute to adult spawning
- Bentrup & Hoag 1998 practical stream bioengineering guide
- Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines
- Berry et al 2001 shorezone users manual
- Biddle et al 2022 national strategy protect restore floodplain wetland function
- Blackmore 2009 obstacles to salmon recovery projects
- Bland et al 2018 measuring risk of ecological collapse
- Blevins et al. 2024 freshwater mussel survey
- Bloch et al. 2019 coastal stream and embayment restoration prioritization
- Boevers 2008 adaptive management large-scale restoration
- Boggs & Corey 2009 whatcom drainage maintenance guidance
- Boggs & Corey 2009 whatcom drainage maintenance plan
- Booth et al 2004 reviving urban streams
- Booth et al 2021 lower skykomish geomorphic assessment
- Boyd 2013 fisher slough monitoring lessons
- Boyd 2016 hat slough & fisher slough lessons learned
- Breems & Goodman 2009 wood waste assessment and remediation
- Brennan et al 2003 nearshore salmon central puget sound
- Breslow 2001 farmer perception of salmon recovery
- Breslow et al 2019 social science research agenda for salish sea
- Briske 2011 prescribed grazing
- Briske et al 2008 rotational grazing perception and evidence
- Brouwer et al 2015 floodplain early opportunities
- Brown 2015 DRAFT nooksack floodplain vision and implementation
- Bruggeman et al 2005 landscape equivalency analysis
- Burdick et al 2001 salinity affects phragmites
- CBD 2017 intent to sue oregon beaver control
- CIG 2016 climate change in floodplains
- CLAMP 2009 capitol lake steering committee recommendation
- Canty 2015 NEP riparian easement advisory
- Canty et al 2012 farmland protection puget sound
- Carah et al 2014 low cost wood in streams
- Cardno-entrix 2013 snow creek design report
- Cardno 2020 lower skykomish channel migration zone
- Carls et al 1999 herring PAH exposure effects
- Carr et al 2014 snohomish landowner buffer preference survey
- Celedonia 2002 forest and scrub-shrub restoration benchmarks
- Cereghino & Busen 2023 agroforesty charrette assessment package
- Cereghino & Ehinger 2021 science sprint application
- Cereghino & Rivas 2020 continuous improvement at align workgroup
- Cereghino 2004 native cutting thesis
- Cereghino 2007 qwuloolt wetland assessment
- Cereghino 2009 conservation marketplace concept
- Cereghino 2009 introduction to vegetation monitoring
- Cereghino 2009 revegetation nearshore
- Cereghino 2010 beach ecosystem restoration programs
- Cereghino 2013 delta metrics exploratory analysis
- Cereghino 2014 DRAFT Integrated Nearshore Assessment
- Cereghino 2014 DRAFT integrated spatial assessment units
- Cereghino 2014 DRAFT nimble spatial reassessment
- Cereghino 2014 sub-estuary inventory in puget sound
- Cereghino 2015 Snohomish overview map
- Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
- Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment concept
- Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment snohomish framework
- Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining
- Cereghino 2015 working buffers info sheet
- Cereghino 2016 DRAFT Stilly-Sno riparian zone management strategy notes
- Cereghino 2016 DRAFT funding opportunity coordination A3
- Cereghino 2016 DRAFT lower stillaguamish context
- Cereghino 2016 Large project budget coordination A3
- Cereghino 2016 acquisition toolkit A3
- Cereghino 2016 coordinated investment governance A3
- Cereghino 2017 DRAFT culvert regulatory coordination A3
- Cereghino 2017 DRAFT flood management forum A3
- Cereghino 2017 DRAFT riparian framework
- Cereghino 2017 continuous improvement NTA
- Cereghino 2019 DRAFT culvert guidance 19-1010
- Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description problem focus group
- Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description standard project description
- Cereghino 2019 continuous improvement proposal to ECB
- Cereghino 2019 culvert regulation workshop output document
- Cereghino 2019 objection to the green cove gardens development design
- Cereghino 2019 summary of cutting bed installation seattle
- Cereghino 2020 DRAFT planning and funding system
- Cereghino 2021 climate resilience capital funding
- Cereghino 2021 country club road stream crossing
- Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13)
- Cereghino 2022 edmonds marsh watershed desktop assessment
- Cereghino 2022 funding system improvement to leadership council
- Cereghino 2022 preliminary Reiner buffer assessment
- Cereghino 2022 science sprint methods workshop notes
- Cereghino 2023 Reiner stewardship plan
- Cereghino 2024 Salish sea platform short intro
- Cereghino 2024 draft riverscape agroforestry principles
- Cereghino 2024 test of the final form
- Cereghino et al 2012 puget sound nearshore strategy
- Cereghino et al 2018 evaluating acquisition systems
- Cereghino et al 2022 beach nourishment science sprint
- Cereghino et al 2022 science sprint fact sheet
- Cereghino et al 2023 science sprint fact sheet
- Cereghino et al 2023 science synthesis for regulation
- Cereghino et al 2024 camp skykomish charrette output
- Cerehgino 2016 DRAFT french creek regulatory coordination A3
- Chappell 2004 terrestrial plant associations Puget trough
- Chappell 2004 upland plan associations puget trough
- Chow et al 2019 urban stormwater mortality coho salmon
- Christensen 2000 jefferson county riparian best available science
- City of Everett 2001 snohomish estuary wetland salmon overlay
- City of Marysville 1999 allen quilceda management plan
- City of Nanaimo 2024 sustainability monitoring plan
- City of Olympia 2021 SEPA DNS shoreline management program update
- Clancy et al 2009 PSNERP nearshore management measures
- Climate Solutions 2018 washington pathway to clean energy
- Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model
- Coast & Harbor Engineering 2016 west bay restoration assessment
- Coats et al 1995 tidal channel design
- Collins & Montgomery 2002 restoring wood in river floodplains
- Collins & Montgomery 2011 puget sound floodplain domains
- Collins & Sheik 2005 reconstruction of puget sound tidal marsh
- Collins et al 2002 historical wood in large rivers
- Collins et al 2003 reconstructing puget sound floodplains
- Collins et al 2012 floodplain large wood cycle
- Coordinated Investment 2016 agency homework
- Coordinated Investment 2016 draft snohomish proposal
- Copping et al 1994 shared marine waters BC and WA
- Cornu et al 2008 large wood placement in tidal wetlands
- Correa 2002 WRIA 17 quilcene snow-salmon limiting factors salmon
- Cox et al 2010 review ostroms design principles
- Crain et al 2004 mechanisms driving salt marsh composition
- Cramer et al 2012 stream habitat restoration guidelines
- Crawford 2011 riparian restoration effectiveness monitoring
- Crowder & Darris 1999 produce cuttings in beds
- Czuba et al 2011 sediment budgets in puget sound rivers
- DNR 2008 fidalgo bay management plan
- Dalrymple & Choi 2007 tidal delta framework
- Darris 2002 native plant cuttings
- Darris 2006 suggestions for cutting installation
- Darwin 1859 origin of the species
- David et al 2014 chinook salmon foraging nisqually after restoration
- DeVries 2010 lower skykomish geomorphic analysis
- DeVries 2015 lower snohomish geomorphic assessment
- De Leeuw et al. 1991 factors affecting intertidal salinity gradient
- Dean 2011 farm succession strategies
- Detheir et al 2020 snohomish railroad grade nourishment
- Dethier 1990 puget sound shoreline classification
- Dethier et al 2016 impacts of armoring
- Dethier et al 2020 Edgewater beach restoration monitoring report
- Dethier et al 2020 snohomish beach nourishment monitoring report
- Devine & Harrington 2010 planting garry oak
- Dickerson-Lange 2017 nooksack watershed management watershed function
- Diefenderfer et al 2007 multiple scale coastal restoration assessment
- Dierker & Kronenberg 2019 response to green cove garden document review
- Dierker & Kronenberg 2020 response to developer refusal to test
- Dittbrenner 2015 conservation program cheat sheet
- Dittbrenner et al 2015 working buffers analysis
- Dittbrenner et al 2017 snohomish coastal resilience proposal
- Drummond et al 2018 Poster edgewater bulkhead removal and boat lidar
- Drut and Buchanan 2000 Northern Pacific coast regional shorebird conservation plan
- Duda et al 2023 dam removal cost prediction
- Dunwiddie et al. 2009 restoration resilience for climate change
- Dupont 1935 how dynamite streamlines streams
- EFC 2003 primer on habitat restoration costs
- EPA-USACE 2008 compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources
- ESA 2022 invasive species & salmon recovery snohomish
- ESA 2024 bellingham culvert prioritization
- ESA et al. 2022 coastal stream and embayment fish access framework
- ESRP 2012 red salmon slough revegetation deliverables
- Ecology 1991 public trust doctrine and coastal zone
- Ecology 2015 riparian restoration and protection initiative grant guidelines
- Ecology 2024 Improved stream mapping pilot project
- Edmonds & Slingerland 2007 delta distributary bifurcation from bar formation
- Ehinger et al 2015 DRAFT beach habitat value
- Ehrenfeld & Toth 1997 restoration in ecosystem context
- Eilers 1974 nehalem marsh biogeography
- Elefant et al 2019 stillaguamish flood control district sedimentation and subsidence
- Ellings 2011 Nisqually Monitoring Framework
- Evans & Moore 2011 snohomish sustainable lands strategy framework
- Ewing 1986 skagit tidal marsh productivity
- FCWMC 2004 french creek watershed management plan
- FEMA 2011 floodplain habitat assessment mitigation
- FEMA 2013 environmental benefits acquisition hazard mitigation
- FEMA 2013 model floodplain ordinance NFIP and ESA
- FEMA 2023 Flood Risk Mapping Guidance
- Fagherazzi et al 2012 salt marsh evolution models
- Feibleman 1954 integrated levels
- Feist et al 2017 coho mortality on urban gradient in puget sound
- Finlayson 2005 lowland puget sound topobathymetry
- Finlayson 2006 geomorphology of puget sound beaches
- Flint 2012 woods creek riparian action plan
- Flint et al 2013 woods creek habitat
- Fodor 2000 costs of growth in washington
- Ford et al 2011 salmon and steelhead status
- Forests and Fish Committee 1999 forest and fish report
- Forterra 2018 DRAFT skykomish-snohomish rivers recreation concept plan
- Fox & Bolton 2007 typical wood quantities in unmanaged streams
- French & Stoddart 1992 marsh hydraulics
- Frenkel & Eilers 1976 upper limit of oregon tidal marsh
- Frenkel & Morlan 1990 salmon river salt marsh restoration
- Fresh 2006 juvenile salmon in nearshore
- Fresh et al 2004 guidance restoration protection
- Fresh et al 2006 sinclair inlet salmon use
- Friebel 2016 fir island farms lessons learned
- Friends of San Juans 2004 forage fish restoration and protection
- Friends of the San Juans 2014 armoring impacts and sea level rise
- Fuller & McArdle 2014 marsh erosion at stillaguamish delta
- Fuller 2014 DRAFT Stillaguamish sediment reuse meeting agenda
- Fuller 2014 stillaguamish dredged sediment reuse
- Fuller 2015 stillaguamish pore water salinity memo
- Fuller 2018 ESRP Webinar restoration stress resilience climate change Stillaguamish lessons
- Fuller 2018 tnc port susan bay final monitoring report
- Fuller et al 2011 using sea level rise model results
- Fuller et al 2014 port susan monitoring report
- GEI 2002 agricultural riparian buffers
- Galster & Schwartz 1990 ediz hook case study erosion and mitigation
- Gann et al 2019 SER restoration standards and practices
- Gari et al 2015 review DPSIR in coastal systems
- Gaydos et al 2008 principles design healthy ecosystems
- Geitzen 2019 syntropic agroforestry
- Gelfenbaum et al 2006 nearshore research strategy
- Gendaszek 2011 ground surface water interactions chehalis
- GeoEngineers 2008 puyallup basin levee setback feasibility
- Gerstel et al 2012 kitsap sediment supply poster
- Gerstel et al 2012 kitsap shoreline sediment source analysis
- Gilbert 2014 cooperative farming
- Gilkey & Packard 1962 oregon winter twig identification
- Giordanengo & Mandel 2016 willow and cottonwood installation
- Girardet 2010 regenerative cities
- Glasgow and Jorgenson 2022 eDNA identifies non-natal fish use
- Goetz et al 2004 PSNERP restoration principles
- Greene & Beamer 2005 skagit delta recovery plan analysis
- Greene & Beamer 2011 skagit intensively monitored watershed report
- Greene & Chamberlin 2024 multi-scale benefits of delta restoration for salmon
- Greene et al 2012 effects of tidegates on fish
- Greene et al 2017 effects intertidal water crossing fish passage
- Greene et al 2021 chinook salmon estuary density dependance
- Greiner 2010 principles strategic conservation
- Griffith & Van Arman 2010 stillaguamish smolt trap report
- Grimsby et al 2007 knotweed sexual or clonal
- Grossman 2013 skokomish survey notes
- Grossman 2022 nisqually marsh sediment supply summary
- Grossman et al 2011 skagit shallow stratigraphy
- Gunderson & Holling 2002 panarchy transformation human natural systems
- Gustafson et al 2006 cherry point herring status
- Guthrie 2012 tidal fresh swamp revegetation
- Guttman 2009 backshore vegetation
- Habitat Strategic Initiative 2021 estuary and floodplain implementation strategy
- Halabisky et al. 2023 wetland intrinsic potential tool
- Hall et al 2014 climate and land cover effects on stillaguamish discharge
- Hall et al 2018 large river complexity and chinook productivity
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT pocket estuary inventory protocol
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT snohomish monitoring plan
- Hamlet et al 2001 climate change and water resources
- Hansen 2019 sundberg gravel pit waste extent
- Hanson et al. 2021 seasonal diet killer whale
- Hardin 1968 tragedy of the commons
- Haring 1999 WRIA 18 salmon steelehad limiting factors
- Haring 2002 snohomish wria 7 limiting factors for salmon
- Harper & Ward 2001 beach spawning fish and shorezone types
- Hartema et al 2015 willow livestake diameter in reed canarygrass
- Hartema et al 2018 willow pole diameter in reed canarygrass
- Hass 2001 snohomish ecosystem restoration opportunities
- Hayes et al. 2019 non-natal marine basin use
- Hayes et al 2011 bulltrout use in skagit bay
- Heatwole 2004 crescent harbor barrier marsh insects and plants
- Heernett 2013 deed of right for RCO
- Henderson et al 2018 Poster boat lidar shoreline inventory
- Herman 1986 grinnell naturalist field journal
- Hernandez et al 2019 environmental DNA fish presence south sound
- Herrera 2007 canyon creek restoration plan
- Hibbs 1996 red alder stand management
- Hill 2002 keyline yeomans and whole farm design
- Hinman 2013 rain garden handbook western washington
- Hinton & Hood 2007 proposal for monitoring to test design tools
- Hirschey & Sinclair 1992 hydrogeology scatter creek black river thesis
- Holecheck et al 2000 short duration grazing trials North America
- Holling & Allen 2002 adaptive inference ecosystems
- Hood 2002 channel allometry
- Hood 2002 channel geometry effect on invertebrates
- Hood 2006 tidal channel formation as depositional
- Hood 2007 tidal channel and island area
- Hood 2007 wood and skagit delta shrub swamp
- Hood 2009 skagit monitoring strategy
- Hood 2010 delta distributary avulsion theory in skagit river
- Hood 2012 beaver in tidal marsh
- Hood 2012 tidal channel reference model
- Hood 2013 channel geometry model
- Hood 2014 natural tidal channel model
- Hood 2015 factors affecting tidal channel geometry
- Hood 2019 fir island farms monitoring yr3
- Hughes et al 2014 nursery functions of estuaries
- Hume & Bush 2020 final report riparian protection restoration
- Hurner et al 2016 snohomish stillaguamish LIO ecosystem recovery plan
- Hutchinson 1988 salt tolerance of plants
- IEEP & Milieu 2013 multi-benefit green infrastructure
- ISIT 1999 prioritizing WRIAs for salmon
- Idassi 2012 agroforestry in southeast
- Imai 2012 continuous improvement strategy
- Jefferson 1974 oregon salt marsh communities
- Johannessen & MacLennen 2007 beaches and bluffs white paper
- Johannessen & Waggoner 2008 lummi shore road monitoring
- Johannessen et al 2014 marine shoreline design guidance
- Johnson & Ryba 1992 king county recommendations for buffer width
- Joseph et al 2002 short duration grazing africa
- KWL 2003 canyon creek alluvial fan risk assessment
- Kairis & Rybczyk 2010 relative elevation model padilla bay
- Kanissery et al 2019 glyphosate persistence and impacts on soil health
- Katz et al 2022 flood attenuation and restoration puyallup white
- Keller et al 2009 oakland bay septic and livestock social research
- Kilmer et al 2023 federal grants news
- Kindeberg et al 2022 multifunctional nature-based coastal defense
- King County 2018 bear creek watershed management study
- Kirwan & Guntenspergen 2010 tidal range and marshland stability
- Kirwan & Murray 2007 tidal marsh evolution model
- Kirwan et al 2008 goose impacts on delta wetlands
- Klesick 2016 DRAFT SVPI concept
- Klinka et al 1989 indicator plants British Columbia
- Knutson & Naef 1997 riparian management recommendations
- Koberstein et al 2017 Avian monitoring in support of estuaries vital sign
- Konrad 2015 ecological function flood risk puget sound floodplains
- Koski 2009 coho nomads
- Kramer et al 2010 shoreline no net loss framework
- Kramer et al 2010 using PSNERP for SMPs
- Krueger et al 2010 sea level rise on forage fish spawning
- Kubo et al 2019 snoqualmie riparian buffer best science
- Kukowski 2011 indirect growth effects under NEPA
- Kunze & Cornelius 1982 washington outer coast vegetation baseline
- Kunze 1994 puget sound lowland wetland vegetation
- Kuttel 2003 west kitsap salmon habitat assessment
- LBC 1988 review of special purpose districts
- LTA USFWS 2017 invest in nature benefits
- Lacarella et al. 2024 salmon stream temperature under climate change
- Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 beach nourishment science synthesis
- Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 non-natal rearing
- Lando et al 2013 salmon recovery funding board monitoring critique
- Lanksbury et al 2017 mussel monitoring survey 2015-2016
- Laschever 1998 washington growth management overview
- Lawrence 2006 stillaguamish temperature TMDL strategy
- LeDoux & Kubo 2020 snoqualmie riparian buffer task force final report
- Lee & Hamlet 2011 skagit river climate science
- Leonetti 2015 stillaguamish temperature TMDL study
- Leonetti et al 2015 north fork stillaguamish habitat change
- Lestelle et al 2004 EDT model structure
- Liedtke et al 2013 conservation and ecology of marine forage fish
- Lipsky 2010 whidbey stakeholder preferences
- Long et al 2011 snow-salmon estuary restoration monitoring report
- Lucchetta et al 2014 land use regulation and stream flow king county
- Lyons & Ramsey 2013 tide gate synthesis
- MC2 2018 lead entity lean study
- MRSC 2003 special districts in washington
- MacDonald et al 2013 elwha nearshore workshop proceedings
- MacLennan et al 2017 beach strategies phase one summary
- MacLennan et al 2017 north sound feeder bluff armor removal study
- Massaua et al 2012 port susan conservation plan
- Maudlin & Coe 2011 SF Nooksack ELJ effectiveness
- Mauger & Kennard 2017 climate change and flood hazard management
- Mauger et al 2015 puget sound climate change
- Mauger et al 2015 snohomish downscale hydrologic projections
- Mauger et al 2016 climate change and floodplain decision support
- May & Peterson 2003 kitsap salmon refugia report
- May 2003 riparian best available science puget lowland
- May et al 1997 urbanization of small streams
- McBride et al 2009 nearshore habitat geomorphic classification
- McDonald et al 2016 SER international restoration standards
- McElhany et al 2000 viable salmon populations and recovery
- McHenry et al 2007 ELJ monitoring elwha river
- McManus et al 2020 vital sign evaluation
- Meadows 2008 thinking in systems
- Meidev & Neslon 2016 qwuloolt lessons learned
- Melillo et al 2014 national climate assessment USA
- Mickelson 2009 crescent creek freshwater input analysis
- Mickelson et al 2009 crescent harbor monitoring plan
- Minore 1983 thuja plicata literature review
- Moffat & Bending 2000 soil restoration loose tipping
- Mofjeld et al 2002 tidal datum distribution puget sound
- Molnar et al 2012 british columbia nearshore ecosystem services valuation
- Montgomery 1999 process domains and river continuum
- Montgomery et al 2003 geomorphic effects of wood in rivers
- Moore et al 2003 vegetation monitoring manual
- Morris 2007 biomass affects salt marsh accretion
- Morris et al 2002 coastal wetland sea level rise
- Mote et al 2003 preparing for climate change salmon water and forests
- Mudd et al 2009 tidal marsh, sea level, productivty and carbon
- Mumford 2007 kelp and eelgrass in puget sound
- Murcia et al 2014 novel ecosystem critique
- Murphy 2020 no one asked for ethnography
- Murphy et al 2014 PSEMP program review
- Murphy et al 2014 puget sound ecosystem monitoring program evaluation
- NHC 2006 skykomish snoqualmie flood insurance report
- NOAA-USFWS 1999 safe harbor agreement policy
- NOAA & USFWS 2015 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- NOAA & WDFW 2018 killer whale chinook stock priorities
- NOAA 1996 effects of actions on watershed properly functioning condition
- NOAA 2000 habitat equivalency analysis overview
- NOAA 2009 NWR restoration center programmatic biological opinion
- NOAA 2013 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- NOAA 2020 nearshore batch jeopardy opinion
- NOAA 2022 mitigation policy
- NOAA NMFS 2011 fish passage design
- NOSC 2005 intertidal forage fish spawning sites Jefferson Kitsap Mason counties
- NOSC 2009 salmon estuary monitoring plan
- NWIFC 2011 treaty rights at risk
- Naiman et al 2010 process-based floodplain forest patterns
- Norman et al 1997 mine reclamation best practices
- Norris & Fraser 2009 eelgrass near port angeles
- Norris et al 2001 preliminary eelgrass monitoring
- OCEP 2022 west bay yards inconsistency
- Olson et al. 2014 methodology for planning level channel migration zones
- Olympia 1997 grass lakes master plan
- Olympia 2015 gold crest HOA greenbelt assessment
- Olympia 2018 surface and storm water plan
- Ostrom 1990 governing the commons
- Otak 2009 edgecomb creek relocation study
- PCC Farmland Trust 2016 easement sample
- PGG 2012 leque island restoration camano island groundwater
- PSI 2015 puget sound fact book
- PSRC 2018 regional open space conservation plan
- PSRITT 2015 chinook monitoring adaptive management framework
- PWA 2008 deschutes estuary restoration feasibility
- PWA et al 2004 fir island connector assessment
- Parametrix 2003 scatter creek habitat conservation plan reports
- Parametrix 2010 fisher slough monitoring plan
- Pausch et al 2024 review of SAV quantification methods
- Pearsall et al 2021 salmon marine survival synthesis
- Pelletier & Bilhimer 2004 stillaguamish temperature TMDL study
- Pentilla 2007 forage fish marine puget sound
- Pess et al 2011 salmon density on Elwha ELJs
- Peters 2009 washington water rights for agricultural producers
- Peterson et al 2015 climate change preparedness plan
- Peterson et al 2015 climate preparedness north olympic peninsula
- Phillip Burgess 2019 green cove park no additional testing
- Pierce 2011 high resolution aerial imagery change detection
- Plauche & Carr LLP 2024 Final Report and Recommendations
- Podger 2013 sulfide effects on aquatic organisms
- Polster 2002 soil bioengineering techniques
- Porrini 2018 fir island farms invertebrate monitoring
- Porro et al 2022 Assessing Effects Of Estuarine Restoration On Birds ESRP presentation
- Porro et al 2022 effects of estuarine restoration on bird populations in north Puget Sound
- Port Angeles 2014 shoreline restoration plan.pdf
- Puettmann et al 1993 alder density management
- Quinn et al 2012 surf smelt spawning camano island
- Quinn et al 2013 coho salmon elwha delta pre restoration
- Quinn et al 2018 riparian science summary
- RCO 2015 salmon recovery network
- RCO et al 2023 Align grant coordination MOU
- Ralston et al 2016 BC compost toilet greywater manual
- Rapp & Abbe 2003 framework for mapping channel migration zone
- Raymond et al 2022 heat wave and shellfish
- Redmond et al 2005 nearshore salmon recovery plan
- Reeves et al 2002 shorezone and beach spawning fish presentation
- Rentz et al 2020 WDFW riparian management recommendations
- Rice 2006 surf smelt egg mortality and shade
- Rice 2011 DRAFT qwuloolt monitoring plan
- Riner 2019 opposition to development
- Robinson & Sayre 2019 opposition to green cove development with attachments
- Roegner et al 2008 columbia river estuary restoration monitoring protocols
- Roni et al 2013 DRAFT BPA columbia river restoration monitoring plan
- Roni et al 2015 basin scale monitoring river restoration
- Roni et al 2015 wood placement summary
- Ronne et al. 2020 salmonid spawning in upper chehalis
- Rossenkotter et al 2007 nearshore salmon recovery gap analysis
- Rot et al 2019 san juan islands salmonid limiting factors
- Rozance & Rabotyagov 2015 small forestland development
- Rubin 2019 how to run a plant-a-thon
- Ruggiero et al 2013 coastal shoreline change
Anthropogenic Topics
Here are pages sorted by Anthropogenic Topics:
Ecosystem Topics
Here are pages sorted by Ecosystem Topics:
- Cereghino 2015 lower snohomish watershed
- Cereghino 2019 plant nursery schematic
- Cereghino 2020 rivers of water and mud
- Cereghino 2021 NW Olympia Watersheds Map
- Cereghino 2021 butler cove map
- Cereghino 2023 DRAFT hood canal summer chum escapement history
- Cereghino 2024 estuary city map
- Cereghino 2024 salish sea and surrounding lands map
- Cereghino et al 2024 salish sea restoration platform poster
- WDNR 2017 glacial landforms lowland puget sound
- Bioregional Funding Facilities Funding Resources
- Climate Action Toolkit
- County Mapping Tools
- Curriculum for the Bioregion
- David W Jamison's Puget Sound Sea Life
- EZview
- Earth Views Puget Sound
- Encyclopedia of Puget Sound
- Google Earth Engine
- Google Earth Pro
- Headwaters of the Salish Sea
- Islands in the Salish Sea
- Methow Grown
- Monitoringmethods.org
- NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
- Nearshore Data Exchange
- NorWeST Database
- On-Line Mapping Tools
- On line video clips
- PRISM - RCO Project Information System
- Puget Sound Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool
- Regional spatial and remote sensing data
- Report archives
- River History Project
- Salmon Conservation and Recovery Engine (SCoRE)
- Salmon Population Summary Database
- Salmonscape
- Seedlot Selection Tool
- Shoreline Monitoring Database
- Snohomish County River Atlas
- Sound Impacts
- The Conservation Gateway
- The Nearshore Map Portal
- USDA Geospatial Data Gateway
- USDA Plants Database
- US Interagency Elevation Inventory
- Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network Resource Library
- Web Soil Survey
- Ecology 2014 Pacific Northwest Channel Migration Potential (CHAMP)
- Ecology 2016 modelled wetland potential
- Finlayson 2005 lowland puget sound topobathymetry
- Sea Grant 2022 Puget Sound Parcel-scale Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment
- USGS 2020 Topobathymetric Model of Puget Sound
- WDNR 2001 ShoreZone Geodatabase