Development Backlog

From Salish Sea Wiki

See also Development Log and Development Roadmap

The backlog includes all potential tasks that have not been designated as part of an active contract or specific scope of work.

Proposed SOW#2


  1. Develop Page Forms/Templates for Remaining Page Types - Using the existing Form:Product and Template:Product, create similar pages for Workgroup, Effort, Place, and Topic. For Workgroups developing this will include functions that enable the use of acronyms that redirect to workgroup pages, and the ability to associate workgroups with products, efforts and topics.
  2. Establish Cargo Table Relationships And Test Queries-Currently the overall category structure as described by the single category hierarchy is not reflected in the structure of the Cargo tables created by teh structured data now in various pages.
  3. Establish Edit With Form - use edit with form and create with form as the primary mechanism for page editing for users following links (bureaucrats and admin have more options provided). Editors have the
  4. Sidebar - Here is a the new proposed Sidebar structure.
  5. Inline Comments - add inline comment features like google docs.
  6. QRlite
  7. Minor Improvements to Formatting - 1) Move sidebar content to a template, and create new sidebar structure using Sidebar as guidance, 2) finalize site icons (add white glow) so they show during link creation on a phone, and on the link bar, 3) set social media share settings so that image other than the page type icon show during social media share 4) troubleshoot popup problem (unable to show preview), 5) remove "view source" for viewers that are not logged in.
  8. QR Codes - add an extension light QR light that creates a QR code for each page that can be easily cut and pasted into products that take you back to that page.
  9. Bulk Page Creation - We will develop and deploy the ability to load a set of documents, and then autogenerate a set of pages from a CVS spreadsheet.
  10. Define a new category protocol - Define the sequnece of steps necessary to add an attribute while maintaining the relationships among attributes, correcting any use of depricated attributes in exsiting pages, and maintaining cargo-to-category parity. Potential Categories provides a stopgap reservoir of future changes.

Moderator Team

  • Initial Map Scope - A system for displaying standard geography and associated pages through a popup mapper. The scope will include storage of spatial objects in the wiki associated with pages, and then rendering of those objects on a mapper. The objects can be symbolized or filtered based on category/attribute data.
  • Social Component - Replace talk pages with a pathway into a dynamic social media context (perhaps Hylo). This must be designed and promoted.
  • Update Page Type Info Boxes - Update the Salish Sea References and create DPLs appropriate for each Page Type Info Box.
  • Finish Architecture Page Framework -
  • Polygon Set
  • Promotional Video
    • Personal Call To Action--appeal to shared purpose
    • Appeal to Professionals--value proposition of wiki use
    • How to archive your Product
  • Platform for Faculty/Platform for Grad Student fliers

Site Architecture Improvement

  • Build out Template:Picture

Site Detailing Tasks

  • Font Review - We need a review and revision of fonts and font sizes... many pages use H2 subheadings because in general the headings are both too large, and not distinct in style from text. I'd propose a distinct and stylized page title font (similar to the logo), and then subtle but distinct heading fonts that are not so large and spaced out.
  • Support Domain Registration Transfer (FROM #1) - Work with Roger Fuller and Herold at SER and the SER webmaster with domain transfer from Roger to SER to transfer to SER. Create a domain email, and transition SMTP to the new domain.

Content Improvement Tasks

  • Architectural Pages - Develop standard process and advertise

Information Architecture Refinements

  • Education Categories - we have education as a Social Change Topic, and we have Academic as a type of Workgroup, and a proposal to subdivide by Youth/College. This seems like a poor description of all the institutions and approaches encompassed by education, both as a kind of Workgroup (could all educational institutions just be State/Special District/NGO/Private?) and the purposes of education, which bleed into advocacy depending on your perspectives. This is the one place where a workgroup type category is divided by a effort purpose category, and is an inconsistency.
  • Workgroup Acronyms - We can define how workgroup pages are associated with acronym categories. This may involve the deprecation of the acronym category in exchange for a structure data field associated with workgroup pages that are used to flag products and efforts or places of regular work. Acronyms are currently housed in the Category:All Categories holding area, separated from categories easily accessed for places.

Community Development Tasks

Ultimately the platform is strong because it has a community of devoted users. We need a clear program that provides an easy way for users to become involved in the the development of the platform.

  • Value and Roles of Membership - Describe participation in the platform as membership and describe the value that a member gains by participating in the platform. All participation levels are "free" but additional benefits are gained by additional contributions. A guild and hub model can be used to describe place-based vs. topic-based knowledge.
  • Promotional Videos - We'd benefit from a set of video presentations selling the philosophy and value of the platform, and how it can serve your professional practice. This should start with a script.
    • Page Type Architecture -
    • Category Architecture - as elaboration of page type
  • Topic Editor Cultivation - conduct special events where we gather experts on a topic, and complete updates of Master Topic pages and additions to the wiki to represent current best knowledge.
  • Place Mapping - conduct special events where we train people to use the platform to describe the workgroups, efforts and products that are important to a place.