- Salish Sea References
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- Wiki text does not reflect the policy or opinion of any agency or organization
- Please adhere to our Social Contract and Style Guide
- Complain here, and be nice.
Topic pages synthesize information and evidence about concepts. We expect these pages to be edited by multiple users--if you want to control content, please publish a Document.
Master topic pages are high-level introductions to a major concept used to organize the wiki, usually associated with a topic category. These pages have developed organically, where it becomes useful to introduce a large number of related pages in an organized way. Master topics pages are typically associated with a category.
Topic Architecture Pages
Describing an array of categories and content pages within a page type.
Topic Content Pages
Organizing and presenting the content within an intesection of categories.
- Agriculture
- Anthropogenic Topics (The Anthropocene)
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Conifer Canopy
- Conservation Lands
- Deciduous Canopy
- Eelgrass
- Effects of River Delta Restoration on Salmon Populations
- Floodplain Restoration
- Flora
- Industrial Land Use
- River Delta Restoration and Hydrodynamics
- River Delta Use By Salmon
- Transportation Networks
- Vegetation and Revegetation
- Watershed Planning
Topic Categories
Effort Categories
Create a Topic Page[edit]
- Start by developing more general pages on broader topics. Consider where a topic fits in the hierarchy in the infobox on the right. If page information becomes to dense or extensive, than split off information into more detailed sub-topics.
- First draft topic pages may begin with bulleted notes--no narrative is necessary--get information in circulation. Please follow our Style Guide
- Avoid removing evidence provided by others, but rather organize information into a structure so that conflicting sources of evidence are presented together and discussed, and evidence is organized from most general to more specific.
Topic Categories[edit]
The goal of topic Categories are to associate rather than isolate information. Consider the subject of your topic page, and select a few carefully chosen categories that best describe the nature of your topic. For example if you want to describe how regulation affects beach-spawning forage fish, you might choose three topics: Regulation, Forage Fish, and Beach. Often a Topic describes what we know about the relationships between two or more categories. For example the categories Restoration and Riparian Buffer suggests a general page describing what we know about the restoration of riparian buffers.
Anthropogenic Topics[edit]
We organize some pages by how they interact with our human systems and behaviors that now dominate the Earth. Infrastructure Pages generally concerns the technological systems we use to make a living, often involving roads, tracks, pipes or wires, often involving water, but also including social systems that grow around these features. Land Use Pages describes how we modify the surface of the earth for various purposes, whether industrial, agricultural, residential, or forestry. Socioeconomic Pages consider how we make decisions or conceptualize our behavior, with a particular interest in how we interact with ecosystems.
Infrastructure & Climate Change
Land Use
Ecosystem Topics[edit]
We also organize topics around natural sciences. Ecological and Biological Pages concern other living beings and how they interact with the Earth. Geophysical Pages describe the physical dynamics of energy, water, weather, and sediments. Landform Pages apply any of these phenomena to understanding specific kinds of physiographic places.