Assisted Migration of Vegetation
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Restoration practitioners are increasingly considering the implications of climate change on forest health and how this effects the choice of species, or the choice of genetic provenance of seedstock used for propagation and out-planting.
- Northwest Natural Resources Group has been hosting a Forest Adaptation Network community that is collecting materials.
- Seedlot Selection Tool is a resource from OSU and the Forest Service to support seed lot selection based on predicted future climate analogs in the existing landscape.
- Brenda Clifton at Skagit River System Cooperative presented on Assisted Migration at the 2025 North Sound Riparian Conference related to work by the Forest Adaptation Network hosted by Northwest Natural Resources Group.
- Differentiates between Assisted Population Migration, Assisted Range Expansion, Assisted Species Migration
- Differentiates between species rescue approach and ecosystem services approach
- Migrated stock may not grow well in their new environment or may spread weak genotypes
- Migrated species may become increase spread of either aggressive genotypes, diseases, or insects.
- Migration ignores relationships among plant species assemblages.