
From Salish Sea Wiki

Forestry describes a range of by which people manage forestlands for the production of timber. Salish Sea is a forested ecosystem, with among the largest potential biomass reserves on earth, with implications for Climate Change. Vast landscapes in the Salish Sea are dedicated to private, state, or federal forestry, for the production of global commodity market. Many streams that support Salmon flow through forests, and their function depends on the interaction between streams and rivers and forests, through a variety of Riparian Buffering Functions. Additional species listed under the Endangered Species Act such as Spotted Owl or Marbled Murrelet are dependent of forest age and stand structure. A large portion of effort under Salmon Recovery is to restore the relationships between streams and rivers and their forests. Forest practices are regulated by Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) under the Forest Practices Act and a range of state-federal agreements. Federal, State, and Local regulation converge at aquatic habitat creating a complex regulatory environment. Through Agroforestry practices, Forestry grades into Agriculture and because agroforestry is not common, our regulatory structures are not well adapted to that gradient.

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