United States Law
- Content Pages
(by last edit)
- Conservation Districts
- Vegetation and Revegetation
- Admiralty Inlet
- Climate Change
- Conservation Lands
- Non-Institutional
- River Delta Use By Salmon
- Effects of River Delta Restoration on Salmon Populations
- South Puget Sound
- Regional Districts
- Federal Agencies
- Comox Coast
- Qualicum Coast
- Biodiversity
- West Sound
- Discovery Islands
- Fraser Lowlands
- South Vancouver Island
- Sunshine Coast
- Hood Canal
- Strait of Juan de Fuca
- East Sound
- San Juan Islands
- Gulf Islands
- Whidbey Basin
- Flora
- Deciduous Canopy
- Conifer Canopy
- Academic Institutions
- Eelgrass
- Whidbey Basin Estuary Restoration Monitoring
- River Delta Restoration and Hydrodynamics
- Youth
- Regulation
- Biota
- Water Management
- Salmon Recovery
- Agriculture
- Stormwater
- Industrial Land Use
- Watershed Planning
- Transportation Networks
- Climate
- Forestry
- Anthropogenic Topics (The Anthropocene)
- Floodplain Restoration
- Salish Sea References
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The law of the land drives many of the behaviors of human systems. In the context of ecosystem management, legal topics on this wiki focus on 1) recurring authorities by which legislatures appropriate bond or tax revenue to be spent by agencies, and 2) laws which result in procedures or prosecution to regulate the behavior of citizens. All legal topic pages use the "legal" category. Pages may provide an overview of an authority or describe examples of the application of legal rights and authorities.
Legal Topics Organized by Strata of Government
Legal topics may relate to particular strata of government (federal, state or local). Generally higher strata of government exert authority over lower strata, or delegate authority down to lower strata for implementation. However in our system of representative politics, the authority of the state is derived by local representatives that are influenced by politically effective constituents, and so the local concerns of politically effective constituents about the use of state power feeds back through councils, boards, legislatures, and congress. Legal topics may thereby involve two or more strata, and define a relationship among them. For example, the Shoreline Management Act defines an obligation of local government to the state for the management of shorelines, components of which are a common pool resource despite private ownership.
Local Topics
State Topics
- Best Available Science
- Climate Commitment Act
- Conservation Futures
- Forest Practices Act
- General Purpose Local Government
- Growth Management Act
- Hydraulic Project Approval
- In-Stream Flow
- Initiative 1631 - Protect Washington Act
- Model Toxics Control Act
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- Shoreline Management Act
- State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utilities
- Temporary Worker Housing
- Voluntary Stewardship Program
- Washington State Capital Budget
- Watershed Planning Act
Federal Topics
- Best Available Science
- Clean Water Act
- Coastal Zone Management Act
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
- Endangered Species Act
- Executive Order 11988
- Farm Bill
- Federal Nexus
- Letter of Map Revision
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- National Historic Preservation Act
- National Historical Preservation Act
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- Oil Pollution Act
- Rivers and Harbors Act
- The Boldt Decision
- Viable Salmon Population Parameters
All Topics and Documents
The following topics, document and pages are tagged with the legal category
All Topics
- Best Available Science
- Clean Water Act
- Climate Commitment Act
- Coastal Zone Management Act
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
- Comprehensive Plan
- Conservation Futures
- Critical Areas Regulation
- Cumulative Effects
- Endangered Species Act
- Executive Order 11988
- Farm Bill
- Federal Nexus
- Fishery Harvest
- Forest Practices Act
- General Purpose Local Government
- Growth Management Act
- HB 1181 (2023)
- Hearings Examiner
- Hirst Decision and Streamflow Restoration
- Hydraulic Project Approval
- In-Stream Flow
- Initiative 1631 - Protect Washington Act
- Letter of Map Revision
- Mitigation
- Model Toxics Control Act
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- National Historic Preservation Act
- National Historical Preservation Act
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- No Rise and The Letter of Map Revision
- Nooksack Watershed General Stream Adjudication
- Oil Pollution Act
- Public Trust Doctrine
- Rights of Nature
- Rivers and Harbors Act
- Salmon and Steelhead Co-management
- Shoreline Management Act
- Sociocracy
- Southern Resident Killer Whale
- State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utilities
- Temporary Worker Housing
- The Boldt Decision
- Unconstitutional Regulatory Takings
- Viable Salmon Population Parameters
- Voluntary Stewardship Program
- Volunteers and Liability
- Washington State Capital Budget
- Water Rights
- Water Sustainability Act
- Watershed Planning Act
All Documents
- Abel et al 2022 evaluating puget sound ecosystem governance
- Ecology 1991 public trust doctrine and coastal zone
- Laschever 1998 washington growth management overview
- LBC 1988 review of special purpose districts
- MRSC 2003 special districts in washington
- NOAA & USFWS 2015 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- NOAA 1996 effects of actions on watershed properly functioning condition
- NOAA 2022 mitigation policy
- NOAA-USFWS 1999 safe harbor agreement policy
- Ryder et al 2010 defining best available science
- Sullivan et al 2006 defining best available science for fisheries and environmental
- Waterman-Hoey 2022 washington greenhouse gas emissions inventory.pdf
- WDFW 2015 french creek drainage maintenance HPA.pdf
- WDOE 2017 cummulative effects analysis SMP.pdf
- WDOE 2024 climate guidance shoreline management
- WDOT 2019 indirect and cumulative effects analysis.pdf