Washington State Capital Budget
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The Washington State Capital Budget represents long term investments in infrastructure. Annual appropriations represents 7% of state spending, or $6.6B (including funds previously appropriated but not spent, and then re-appropriated from previous biennia). In 2015-17 new capital appropriations were $3.7B. In 2015-17 30.9% of the capital budget went to Natural Resources, compared to 23.7% for public schools and 21.3% for higher education. Approximately half the capital budget comes from the sale of state bonds, while the remainder comes from federal grants and specific accounts, such as the public works assistance account, water pollution control revolving account, and trust land revenues (DNR managed lands for schools).
- http://leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/CB/Pages/default.aspx - The House Capital Budget Committee manages capital budget in the House
- http://leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/WM/Pages/default.aspx - The Senate Ways & Means Committee manages capital budget in the Senate
- File:Senate 2016 citizens guide to state budget.pdf - describes in broad terms the structure of the state biennial budget.
2019-21 Materials
- File:2019-21 state capital budget habitat project lists.pdf - this summarizes project lists from the following programs: Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, Floodplains by Design, Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration, Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board, Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Streamflow Restoration Implementation Grants.