Temporary Worker Housing
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Temporary worker housing provides a means by which an employer can provide a legal dwelling unit for employees for the purpose of completing temporary work related to agriculture or forestry, which includes restoration or agroforestry. This page explores the possibility of using temporary worker housing to accommodate residential occupation on restoration sites. See Off-Grid Urban Housing for a discussion of low cost housing strategies
- RCW 70.114A describes the legal context for temporary worker housing.
- Washington State Department of Health administers these provisions.
- "Employed intermittently" and "not residing year-round" is the primary definition of a temporary worker.
- Applies only to 5 or more dwelling units, any combination of units and facilities housing 10 or more occupants.
- Such housing is a permitted use, only subject to height, setback and road access requirements.
- https://doh.wa.gov/licenses-permits-and-certificates/facilities-z/temporary-worker-and-migrant-farmworker-housing/laws-and-regulations
- Approved Factory Assembled Structures (FAS) can be used.
- Plumbing requirements - https://app.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=246-359-560. As expected, plumbing and principally septage becomes the primary cost, and a the most expensive and fixed piece of infrastructure.