2030 Nature Strategy and Nature Accountability Bill
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A bill to reverse biodiversity loss in complaince with the 2022 adoption of the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15.
Notes[edit source]
- https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2024/06/2030-nature-strategy-and-nature-accountability-bill.html
- https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2024/eccc/en4/En4-539-1-2024-eng.pdf - describes the 2030 Nature Strategy.
News[edit source]
Six Pillars[edit source]
- Recognizing, upholding, and implementing the rights of Indigenous peoples and advancing reconciliation, as Indigenous peoples are the original caretakers of the lands, waters, and ice.
- Ensuring a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach to create policy coherence and draw on the strengths of every segment of society to build and deliver the solutions we need.
- Supporting a resilient economy and improving efficiency and certainty, as our prosperity is inherently linked to a healthy environment.
- Empowering on-the-ground action by reflecting regional differences, supporting communities, and adopting flexible community-based approaches.
- Using the best available science and knowledge, incorporating new insights, sharing information, and giving equal weight to Western science and Indigenous Knowledge.
- Applying integrated, holistic approaches to ensure our actions are inclusive and transparent.