Admiralty Inlet

From Salish Sea Wiki

Admiralty Inlet is the passage which connects the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Hood Canal and the northern extent of West Sound. It is a somewhat ambiguous ecological place with no major watersheds, and ambiguous boundaries. It is a hallway with many closets. It includes the Port Townsend Ecosystem and Morrowstone Island and Indian Island, as well as a portion of the west coast of Whidbey Island. It might be extended toward the Strait to include the Discovery Bay Ecosystem or even Sequim Bay. It likely includes Point-no-point on north Kitsap County, but may reach down to the Port Gamble Ecosystem if you use the Hood Canal Bridge as the extent of Hood Canal.

For the purposes of wiki organization I suspect we could use the line between Fort Warden and Fort Casey as a meaningful line.

Place Icon.png   Places Within Admiralty Inlet

All Workgroups and Efforts in Admiralty Inlet

Admiralty Inlet Products

The following Product pages are categorized with Admiralty Inlet .

Document Icon.jpg  Documents

Website Icon.jpg  Websites & Datasets

Graphic Icon.jpg  Graphics