Chimacum Creek Watershed
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Chimacum Creek is the largest drainage in the Quimper Penunsula, draining to Port Townsend Bay. It is a lowland, rain-fed watershed in valleys of Post-Glacial Geology and Geomorphology with extensive Wetlands organic soils, and Agriculture dependent on Drainage Infrastructure. The creek mainstem has been extensively modified for Agriculture and the area has a high concentration of sustainable agricultural efforts. The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe is the most proximate recognized tribal community with usual and accustomed hunting, fishing and gathering in the watershed. The Chemakum Tribe (not a Klallam people) has been organizing to increase recognition of their unique heritage.
Stewardship Notes
- Coho and Chum were extirpated in the 1980s but have been reintroduced with stock from nearby streams.
- Beaver are active and undermine plantings and increase flooding.
- The valley has extensive areas of organic peat and muck soils.
- Chemakum Tribe is seeking recognition.
- The creek supports Hood Canal Summer Chum salmon, listed under ESA. Coho are also present.
- Jefferson Land Trust has a profile of the Chimacum Valley. They have acquired the massive 853 acre Chimacum Ridge Forest.
- Jefferson Conservation District is involved in planning around management of Drainage Infrastructure (Website and Resources). Chimacum Drainage District (DD#1) is the Special District with jurisdication. There is a Chimacum Drainage Analysis Story Map
- Port of Port Townsend has considered mitigation in the valley to offset impacts of port operations.
- "Chumsortium Collaborative" is a name given to a collaboration of non-profits formed in 2001 working for restoration of the creek.
- Kodama Farm and Food Forest - a permaculture inspired farm in Beaver Valley.
- The Mozaic Project - a cooperative multi-enterprise farm community in the West Valley
- WDOE has a monitoring station at the mouth -
- Roots of Resilience Project -
- Village Seed -
- WFDW Manages a wildlife unit at the mouth surrounding the Chimacum Embayment
- The Jefferson County Community Wellness Project supports garden education at Chimacum, Quilcene, and Port Townsend Primary and Elementary Schools -
- The North Olympic Salmon Coalition is the RFEG in this area, and has its headquarters nearby in the watershed.
- Chimacum Valley Grainery - westside local grain production may be a key indicator of a local agricultural rennaisance, enabling a wide range of value-added products and industries.