884 protected lagoons, embayments, estuaries and inlets were historically mapped in Puget Sound
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Embayments are "protected estuaries and lagoons within which there is too little wave action to form beaches ... Estuaries are those with a significant input of freshwater – for example, from a surface stream, whereas lagoons have limited freshwater input. A large number of the estuaries and lagoons on Puget Sound are formed and enclosed by barrier beaches, emphasizing an important geomorphological relationship between the wave-dominated beach environments and these small protected estuarine environments" (From Shipman 2008). Embayment are often referred to as "pocket estuaries" when referencing their importance for Salmon and for the Non-natal Nearshore Rearing of Salmon. Embayments may contain Wetlands and provide shelter for Migratory Birds.
Cereghino et al 2012 proposes two classes of embayment sites for conservation planning: Coastal Inlets, formed in drowned stream valleys or other post-glacial landforms, and Barrier-type Embayments that are embedded in a Beach system, to some extent dependant on a barrier beach for wave protection and wetland development. In this analysis 260 Coastal Inlets were identified. Simenstad et al 2012 found 518 of Puget Sound's 812 drift cells contain one or more barrier-type embayment. While this may be a useful differentiation, many embayments have attributes of both coastal inlets and barrier-type embayments. Shipman 2008 used for the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project and McBride et al 2009 proposed slightly different taxonomies to describe variation in Puget Sound coastal embayments. The Puget Sound Tidal Restriction and Wetland Mapping effort has greatly expanded our ability to characterize embayments. It can be difficult to discern where an estuarine feature starts and stops, and boundaries are indistinct (see Cereghino 2014).
Embayment Topic Pages[edit]
The following Topic Pages are categorized with Embayment.
Embayment Places By Region[edit]
The following Embayment Pages are organized by region.
Admiralty Inlet[edit]
East Sound[edit]
Fraser Lowlands[edit]
Hood Canal[edit]
Strait of Juan de Fuca[edit]
San Juan Islands[edit]
South Puget Sound[edit]
South Vancouver Island[edit]
Sunshine Coast[edit]
West Sound[edit]
Whidbey Basin[edit]
Efforts and Products in Embayment[edit]
- Clallam County Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
- Crescent Harbor Lagoon Restoration
- Henderson Inlet Community Shellfish Farm
- Integrated Nearshore Priorities Project
- Jefferson County Eelgrass Protection
- Jimmycomelately Restoration
- Kilisut Restoration
- Livingston Lagoon Restoration
- Maximizing Benefits of Shoreline Armor Removal
- Meadowdale: Informing Puget Sound coastal stream restoration
- Nearshore Strategies Analysis
- Nisqually To Point Defiance Nearshore Restoration Assessment
- PREDICTING SHOREFORM EVOLUTION IN PUGET SOUND Guidelines and Tools to Estimate Gravel Transport
- Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Puget Sound Nearshore Habitat Conservation Calculator
- Puget Sound Tidal Restriction and Wetland Mapping
- Salmon Creek Estuary Fill Removal
- Tidal Channel Restoration Guidelines
- Tidal Fish Passage & Connectivity
- Titlow Lagoon Restoration
- Use of Large Wood in Shoreline Restoration
45 documents in Embayment- Arbeider et al 2023 salmon estuary growth and residence compilation
- Beamer et al 2003 importance of non-natal pocket estuaries
- Beamer et al 2006 whidbey pocket estuary fish
- Beechie et al 2017 salmon habitat status monitoring
- Berry et al 2001 shorezone users manual
- Bloch et al. 2019 coastal stream and embayment restoration prioritization
- Breems & Goodman 2009 wood waste assessment and remediation
- Brennan et al 2003 nearshore salmon central puget sound
- Cardno-entrix 2013 snow creek design report
- Cereghino 2014 DRAFT Integrated Nearshore Assessment
- Cereghino 2014 DRAFT nimble spatial reassessment
- Cereghino 2014 sub-estuary inventory in puget sound
- Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
- Collins & Sheik 2005 reconstruction of puget sound tidal marsh
- Cornu et al 2008 large wood placement in tidal wetlands
- DNR 2008 fidalgo bay management plan
- De Leeuw et al. 1991 factors affecting intertidal salinity gradient
- Dethier 1990 puget sound shoreline classification
- ESA et al. 2022 coastal stream and embayment fish access framework
- Finlayson 2005 lowland puget sound topobathymetry
- French & Stoddart 1992 marsh hydraulics
- Fresh 2006 juvenile salmon in nearshore
- Gelfenbaum et al 2006 nearshore research strategy
- Goetz et al 2004 PSNERP restoration principles
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT pocket estuary inventory protocol
- Heatwole 2004 crescent harbor barrier marsh insects and plants
- Hughes et al 2014 nursery functions of estuaries
- Johannessen et al 2014 marine shoreline design guidance
- Kairis & Rybczyk 2010 relative elevation model padilla bay
- Koski 2009 coho nomads
- Kramer et al 2010 shoreline no net loss framework
- Lambert & Chamberlin 2023 non-natal rearing
- Lanksbury et al 2017 mussel monitoring survey 2015-2016
- Long et al 2011 snow-salmon estuary restoration monitoring report
- Mickelson 2009 crescent creek freshwater input analysis
- Mickelson et al 2009 crescent harbor monitoring plan
- NOSC 2009 salmon estuary monitoring plan
- Raymond et al 2022 heat wave and shellfish
- Redmond et al 2005 nearshore salmon recovery plan
- Rossenkotter et al 2007 nearshore salmon recovery gap analysis
- Schlenger et al 2011 PSNERP strategic needs assessment
- Shipman 2008 puget sound landform
- Shreffler et al 2008 jimmycomelately lessons learned
- Small, D., P. Smith, I. Keren, T. Quinn, P. Schlenger 2024 Fine scale movement of juvenile salmon to inform tidal fish passage restoration in Puget Sound
- Vines et al 2000 creosote and herring spawn