Beechie et al 2017 salmon habitat status monitoring

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Beechie et al 2017 salmon habitat status monitoring.pdf
Beechie, T. J., O. Stefankiv, B. Timpane-Padgham, J. E. Hall, G. R. Pess, M. Rowse, M. Liermann, K. Fresh, and M. J. Ford. 2017. Monitoring Salmon Habitat Status and Trends in Puget Sound: Development of Sample Designs, Monitoring Metrics, and Sampling Protocols for Large River, Floodplain, Delta, and Nearshore Environments. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-137.


  • Prepared following the 2015 status and trends monitoring.
  • Identifies metrics for evaluating how habitat condition affects VSP parameters (Appendix C).
  • Proposes and tests a regional strategy for monitoring condition of those habitats over time.
  • Resulted in development of polygon and line data describing habitat conditions at the time of the status review.