Pages in this category describe efforts that collect observations about systems to develop an understanding of their dyanamics, and perhaps to predict their behavior or functions. Monitoring is one approach to research popular in the Restoration community. These efforts are different than restoration or protection efforts, in that they seek to increase understanding of system dyanamics rather then actually changing system dynamics. Research is different than planning, in that planning models may make predictions using a published set of assumptions that involve extrapolation or interpolation, and are further influenced by political dynamics.
Pages in category "Research"
The following 80 pages are in this category, out of 80 total.
- Designing large wood placement in tidal marshes
- Dethier et al 2020 snohomish beach nourishment monitoring report
- Dickerson-Lange 2017 nooksack watershed management watershed function
- Drummond et al 2018 Poster edgewater bulkhead removal and boat lidar
- Drut and Buchanan 2000 Northern Pacific coast regional shorebird conservation plan
- Habitat Service Quantification
- Halabisky et al. 2023 wetland intrinsic potential tool
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT snohomish monitoring plan
- Hamlet et al 2001 climate change and water resources
- Harper & Ward 2001 beach spawning fish and shorezone types
- Heatwole 2004 crescent harbor barrier marsh insects and plants
- Henderson et al 2018 Poster boat lidar shoreline inventory
- Hernandez et al 2019 environmental DNA fish presence south sound
- Holling & Allen 2002 adaptive inference ecosystems
- Hood 2012 tidal channel reference model
- Mapping Bluffs and Beaches to Quantify Sediment Supply
- Mapping Bluffs and Beaches to Quantify Sediment Supply 2021
- Maximizing Benefits of Shoreline Armor Removal
- McManus et al 2020 vital sign evaluation
- Meadowdale: Informing Puget Sound coastal stream restoration
- Mote et al 2003 preparing for climate change salmon water and forests
- Pearsall et al 2021 salmon marine survival synthesis
- Porro et al 2022 Assessing Effects Of Estuarine Restoration On Birds ESRP presentation
- Porro et al 2022 effects of estuarine restoration on bird populations in north Puget Sound
- Predicting Rates of Channel Development
- Predicting Sea Level Rise Impacts on Ag Production
- PREDICTING SHOREFORM EVOLUTION IN PUGET SOUND Guidelines and Tools to Estimate Gravel Transport
- Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program
- Puget Sound Large River Delta Tidal Restriction and Wetland Mapping
- Puget Sound Marine Riparian Mapping
- Puget Sound Tidal Restriction and Wetland Mapping
- Salish Sea Marine Survival Project
- Schroeder 2019 reconstructed pre-settlement forest puget sound
- Science Sprints to Support Regulation
- Scott 2023 valley bottom reset monitoring Deer Creek Oregon
- Small, D., P. Smith, I. Keren, T. Quinn, P. Schlenger 2024 Fine scale movement of juvenile salmon to inform tidal fish passage restoration in Puget Sound
- Snohomish Delta Ecosystem Monitoring and Evaluation
- Snohomish Estuary Restoration Effects on Temperature, Salinity, and Tides
Media in category "Research"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.