Habitat Service Quantification Methods Assessment
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This effort is a collaboration between the Pew Trust, National Marine Sanctuaries Foundation and NOAA to evaluate alternative tools and resources commonly used to quantify ecosystem services.
- The project is completing a literature review of tools used to quantify habitat ecological value.
- Conceptually such tools define some kind of metric which allows measurement, which yields some quantification of value, that is then used to quantify gain or loss of services through comparison (typically before-after).
- Over 30 tools were reviewed, including Habitat Equivalency Analysis, Ecological Quality Ratios (European), Habitat Suitability Indices (USFWS).
- Tools were evaluated for the following qualities.
- Clear description of tool objectives and scale, data collection protocols, and assumptions (that might be violated).
- Consideration and incorporation of uncertainty.
- Definition of reference sites
- Landscape or seascape context.
- Completed internal survey of tools in use at NOAA, which identified a range of tools including the following
- https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/california-eelgrass-mitigation-policy-and-implementing-guidelines
- https://floridadep.gov/water/submerged-lands-environmental-resources-coordination/content/uniform-mitigation-assessment
- https://darrp.noaa.gov/economics/habitat-equivalency-analysis
- https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/west-coast/habitat-conservation/puget-sound-nearshore-habitat-conservation-calculator
- https://response.restoration.noaa.gov/new-publication-habitat-based-resource-equivalency-method-habrem