Integrated Ecosystem Management

From Salish Sea Wiki

Integrated Ecosystem Management is a social change endpoint based on the idea that effective ecosystem stewardship requires integration of the divergent interests of Workgroups and their Topics of interest in Place. This necessarily combines many forms of Knowledge Creation, leading to a mixture of Protection and Restoration in ecosystems, while exploring how the Infrastructure and Land Use needs of communities can be met while recovering ecosystem function and resilience, often through Green Infrastructure. Integrated ecosystem management is difficult given that Planning and Funding systems do not necessarily ask for or reward integration. Integrated Floodplain Management is a prototype that explores the intersection of Salmon, Agriculture and Flood Hazard Management in Floodplain ecosystems. Integration raises questions of Scale and modes of public participation.

Workgroups and Efforts in Integrated Ecosystem Management by Region

Workgroup Icon.png   Workgroups

One workgroup in East SoundOne workgroup in Whidbey Basin

All Workgroups and Efforts in Integrated Ecosystem Management