Riverscape Commons Mapping
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Riverscape Commons Mapping is an activity being explored by NOAA Restoration Center as a technical assistance effort, that combines concepts developed through Floodplains By Design, recent efforts to advance process-based riverscape restoration, and experience in Continuous Improvement which aimed for both Regulatory and Funding System improvements, and the derth of examples of Integrated Ecosystem Management. The premise is that a Common Pool Resource Management challenge exists in riverscapes, because of the confluence of Agriculture, Salmon Recovery, Flood Hazard Management, and Water Management in riverscapes and that this creates complexity through the interactions of Tribal Governments, Local Government, and state and federal Regulation operating in a private property-public property mosaic. These interations have created low accountability around local implementation of the Endangered Species Act and the Shoreline Management Act. Simultaneously quantification using tools like the Puget Sound Nearshore Habitat Conservation Calculator and Habitat Equivalency Analysis create new pathways for accountability in stewardship. This effort was also inspired by Tulalip elder Terry Williams and his passionate efforts to encourage regulatory harmonization. This relates in part to implementation of the Voluntary Stewardship Program.
The hypothesis is that being able to visualize the overlapping interests of various public trust resources within the private property mosaic can help us shift from conflicts over power leading to higher transaction costs and the bureaucratization of stewardship, to instead discuss stewardship as a shared community interest and a problem solved through work among stewards, governments, an land owners.
- Working Methods Document
- Cereghino 2024 estuary city map presents a draft rendering of a wide range of hydrologic features.
- This project has been developed parallel to the Regional Support Team for Biocultural Restoration of Riverscapes effort, which is focused on empowering community-led direct action in riverscape stewardship.