- Salish Sea References
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See also Flora for a breakdown of species.
The Plant Kingdom and its soils form the green skin of the earth, and a pool of biodiversity. Vegetation provides food and resources described in Agriculture and Agroforestry. As a forested Ecoregion with a significant land base being managed for fiber production Forestry is an important topic. Riparian Buffering Functions are particularly important for acquatic habitats, and more braodly, vegetation mediates the Hydrology on a watershed scale. Revegetation is a broad term that describes a variety of practices that we use to modify the structural or compositional qualities of vegetation.
A typical revegetation effort involves three general components: 1) disturbances to create or sustain a niche in which to introduce new species, 2) introduction of that species onto the site with seeds, cuttings, or rooted stock, and 3) some kind of aftercare, such as supplemental water and nutrients, or additional disturbances to favor the introduced species. While we are focused on discrete projects, revegetation occurs in the context of natural vegetative evolution, driven by climate, hydrology, genetics, dispersal, competition, stress, and ongoing disturbance regimes. This page is a master topic page to organize information on the wiki to support revegetation practice.
Vegetation Topics[edit]
32 Topics in Vegetation
Species Information[edit]
Being able to systematically identify plant species is the building block for work in vegetation.
- Flora provides an overview of pages on individual species and proposes functional groups.
- Plant Identification provides an overview of resources and tools for identifying species in the plant kingdom.
- The Ecosystem Guild offers a native plant spreadsheet. (on a Google Sheet) that integrates USACE wetland indicators and site indicators published by Klinka et al 1989.
Understanding Vegetation Among Landforms[edit]
Vegetation varies systematically based on landscape position. which affects the soil parent material and hydrology. The first question at any site, are what are the viable natural vegetations for this landscape position. Resources that observe natural vegetation patterns support this work, and improve a practitioners ability to make observations in the field. A number of general resource consider vegetation across landform.
- DNR Natural Heritage Program provides a range of reports describing composition of natural vegetation.
- Klinka et al 1989 is a seminal description of factors suggested by the presence of species.
- Washington Native Plant Society publishes plant lists that support reference site identification and evaluation.
- File:Cereghino 2009 revegetation nearshore.pdf provides an 11-page introduction to revegetation practice developed for Salish Sea nearshore environments.
- File:Aubry & Potash 2007 olympic native plant notebook.pdf is perhaps the best free reference produced in our region on the mechanics of revegetation.
Uplands and Forests[edit]
- File:Chappell 2004 upland plan associations puget trough.pdf - in particular provides a voluminous list of common co-occurring plant communities observed in lowland Puget Sound.
Wetlands and Riparian[edit]
- In 2021 WDNRs Natural Heritage Program is still developing its long awaited riparian and wetland classification. https://www.dnr.wa.gov/NHPwetlands
- File:Kunze 1994 puget sound lowland wetland vegetation.pdf describes a Western Washington lowland wetland classification.
- Cramer et al 2012 provides a detailed discussion of riparian vegetation management for fishery restoration.
- Windrope et al 2020 provides management recommendations on Riparian Buffering Functions and is intended as an update to Knutson & Naef 1997 and as a policy interpretation of Quinn et al 2018
Barrier Beach[edit]
- Guttman 2009 describes backshore Beach vegetation in South Puget Sound and observes patterns in relations to large wood.
Tidal Wetlands[edit]
- Kunze 1984 describes an inventory of high quality tidal marsh reference sites around Puget Sound.
- Kunze & Cornelius 1982 provides a similar resource for tidal wetlands on the Washington outer coast.
- Jefferson 1974 provides a seminal overview of Oregon coastal marsh composition over elevation and environmental controls which includes species common in the Salish Sea.
- Eilers 1974 provides a detailed analysis of a estuarine island.
Freshwater Tidal[edit]
There are notably few resources for designing composition and structure of freshwater tidal vegetation.
- Kunze & Cornelius 1982 provides a characterization of community composition in columbia river "surge plain" wetlands.
- File:Cereghino 2004 freshwater tidal revegetation zones.pdf offers an analysis of freshwater tidal data using inundation duration as a basis for zonation as a surrogate for redox.
Disturbance and Soil Restoration[edit]
How to we create a niche in the field that is suitable for propagation?
- Soil Restoration - on sites with severe distrubance, reinitiation of soil structures and processes may be critical to rapidly establishing vegetation.
- Mulching Strategies - surface application of organic material has the dual function of supressing existing vegetation and fueling soil processes.
- Tillage Strategies - for millennia, tillage has been used to create niches for introducing plants. Now we have machines.
Introduced Species Control[edit]
A substantial effort within the revegetation community involves the application of herbicide in an attempt to control the spread of non-indigenous species, often followed by afforestation. So far, information on the wiki is organized around specific species, or topics:
- Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass)
- Polygonum
- Blackberry Conversion
- File:ESA 2022 invasive species & salmon recovery snohomish.pdf provides an unusual consideration of how invasive species control relates to the forest health which is part of Salmon Recovery.
Propagation and Planting Technique[edit]
How do we efficiently introduce species into a vegetation?
- Cutting and Livestake Production, Processing and Installation is a topic page focused on livestakes and use of unrooted cuttings in the field, and is currently holding materials for biotechnical erosion control.
- Herbivory Protection - describes strategies for reducing damage to new outplantings.
- Sites With Planting Plans - there are a wide variety of approaches and styles for developing planting plants in a restoration context, we hope to curate a set of sites with exemplary planting plans.
Aftercare Strategies[edit]
How to we favor target composition after propagation?
Regional Suppliers[edit]
The following workgroups provide materials with Salish Sea genetics
- Sound Native Plants - Olympia wholesale grower, designer and installer.
- Inside Passage Seeds
Evaluation and Monitoring[edit]
How do we qualitatively and quantitatively observe vegetation?
- Elzinga et al 1998 provides a strong basis in monitoring species populations as well as studying communities.
- Moore et al 2003 provides a multi-purpose restoration monitoring program developed by Snohomish County
- BLM 1999 provides a multi-agency manual for measuring various vegetation attributes.
- File:Cereghino 2009 introduction to vegetation monitoring.pdf - a introductory slide show talking about why and how to observe vegetation in restoration.
Flora pages describe what we know about individual species listed by Genus using the "category:flora"
- Alnus
- Conifer Canopy
- Cornus sericea
- Deciduous Canopy
- Fallopia japonica (knotweed)
- Flora
- Fraxinus
- Hibbs 1996 red alder stand management
- Minore 1983 thuja plicata literature review
- Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass)
- Polygonum
- Puettmann et al 1993 alder density management
- Quercus
- Seedlot Selection Tool
- Thuja
- Urtica dioica
- USDA Plants Database
- File:Vance et al 2001 non timber forest products.pdf
- Wabash Farms
Other Vegetation Pages[edit]
Vegetation describe documents and topics related to vegetation dynamics
- Allen & Leech 1997 bioengineering for streams USACE
- Assisted Migration of Vegetation
- Aubry & Potash 2007 olympic native plant notebook
- Bentrup & Hoag 1998 practical stream bioengineering guide
- Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines
- File:Blackberries.jpg
- Blackberry Conversion
- BLM 1999 sampling vegetation attributes
- Bull Kelp
- Burdick et al 2001 salinity affects phragmites
- Carbon Sequestration
- Celedonia 2002 forest and scrub-shrub restoration benchmarks
- Cereghino 2004 native cutting thesis
- File:Cereghino 2004 native cutting thesis presentation.pdf
- Cereghino 2007 qwuloolt wetland assessment
- Cereghino 2009 introduction to vegetation monitoring
- Cereghino 2009 revegetation nearshore
- Cereghino 2019 plant nursery schematic
- Cereghino 2019 summary of cutting bed installation seattle
- Cereghino 2024 draft riverscape agroforestry principles
- Chappell 2004 terrestrial plant associations Puget trough
- Chappell 2004 upland plan associations puget trough
- Chinook Response to Estuary Restoration
- City Forest Credits
- Coastal Blue Carbon Project
- Collins et al 2012 floodplain large wood cycle
- Crain et al 2004 mechanisms driving salt marsh composition
- Crowder & Darris 1999 produce cuttings in beds
- Cutting and Livestake Production, Processing and Installation
- Dalrymple & Choi 2007 tidal delta framework
- Darris 2002 native plant cuttings
- Darris 2006 suggestions for cutting installation
- De Leeuw et al. 1991 factors affecting intertidal salinity gradient
- Delta Sediment Dynamics and Vegetation
- File:Dense willow planting.jpg
- File:Doghair alder.jpg
- Eilers 1974 nehalem marsh biogeography
- ESA 2022 invasive species & salmon recovery snohomish
- Ewing 1986 skagit tidal marsh productivity
- Fagherazzi et al 2012 salt marsh evolution models
- Fallopia japonica (knotweed)
- Category:Flora
- Frenkel & Eilers 1976 upper limit of oregon tidal marsh
- Frenkel & Morlan 1990 salmon river salt marsh restoration
- Fuller 2014 stillaguamish dredged sediment reuse
- Fuller et al 2011 using sea level rise model results
- Gilkey & Packard 1962 oregon winter twig identification
- Giordanengo & Mandel 2016 willow and cottonwood installation
- Glyphosate
- Grimsby et al 2007 knotweed sexual or clonal
- Grossman 2022 nisqually marsh sediment supply summary
- Grossman et al 2011 skagit shallow stratigraphy
- Guthrie 2012 tidal fresh swamp revegetation
- Guttman 2009 backshore vegetation
- Hartema et al 2015 willow livestake diameter in reed canarygrass
- Hartema et al 2018 willow pole diameter in reed canarygrass
- Herbivory Protection
- Hibbs 1996 red alder stand management
- High Resolution Aerial Imagery Change Detection
- Hill 2002 keyline yeomans and whole farm design
- Hood 2007 wood and skagit delta shrub swamp
- Hutchinson 1988 salt tolerance of plants
- Jefferson 1974 oregon salt marsh communities
- Kanissery et al 2019 glyphosate persistence and impacts on soil health
- Kirwan & Murray 2007 tidal marsh evolution model
- Kirwan et al 2008 goose impacts on delta wetlands
- Klinka et al 1989 indicator plants British Columbia
- Kunze & Cornelius 1982 washington outer coast vegetation baseline
- Kunze 1994 puget sound lowland wetland vegetation
- Land Cover and Development
- Minore 1983 thuja plicata literature review
- Moffat & Bending 2000 soil restoration loose tipping
- Moore et al 2003 vegetation monitoring manual
- Morris 2007 biomass affects salt marsh accretion
- Morris et al 2002 coastal wetland sea level rise
- Mudd et al 2009 tidal marsh, sea level, productivty and carbon
- Murcia et al 2014 novel ecosystem critique
- Naiman et al 2010 process-based floodplain forest patterns
- Native Riverscape Agroforestry/Design Toolkit
- Nisqually Delta Distributary Restoration Pre-design
- Nisqually River Delta Sediment Budget and Assessment of Opportunities to Recovery Sediment Supply to Sustain Marsh
- North Sound Riparian Conference
- Pausch et al 2024 review of SAV quantification methods
- Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass)
- Pierce 2011 high resolution aerial imagery change detection
- Plant Identification
- Plants for the People Nursery
- Polster 2002 soil bioengineering techniques
- Polygonum
- Puget Sound Marine Riparian Mapping
- Quercus
- Regenerative Riverscape Agroforestry
- Restoration of Woody Tidal Swamp on River Deltas
- River Delta Accretion and Sea Level Rise
- Runnel Excavation
- Schroeder 2019 reconstructed pre-settlement forest puget sound
- Seed Rain
- Silver 2021 phalaris reed canarygrass control
- Simenstad et al 2004 urban estuary restoration challenge
- File:SkagitNearshoreChange2010-1890 foto sm.jpg
- Smart & Dick 1999 propagate establish wetland plants
- Snohomish Delta Ecosystem Monitoring and Evaluation
- Soil Restoration
- Soll 2004 controlling knotweed in pacific northwest
- Stillaguamish Delta Dynamics Affecting Restoration
- Category:Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Temporary Water Right for Restoration Irrigation
- The Ecosystem Guild/Knotweed Control Experiments
- File:TNC 2014 port susan monitoring progress.pdf
- Urgenson et al 2009 giant knotweed implications
- Vegetation Effects on Insects
- Vegetation Processes
- File:Watershed Company 2021 WCC restoration methods evaluation.pdf