Washington Native Plant Society
- Salish Sea References
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Members of the Washington Native Plant Society share a common interest in Washington’s unique and diverse flora. We represent all levels of botanical knowledge, from professionals and experienced amateur botanists, to beginners just becoming curious about the beautiful plants and habitats of our state. For 40 years the Washington Native Plant Society has enjoyed educating members and others about the value of plants native to the Evergreen State. Conservation and advocacy make the Washington Native Plant Society the voice for native plants. Our greatest conservation work is on-the-ground and around the state where hundreds of Society members volunteer their time to restore habitats, strive for good conservation policies, conduct native plant inventories and monitor rare plant populations.
- Provides plant list of public places. https://wnps2.org/plant-lists
- Contains archives of Starflower Foundation including resources for teaching about native plants in public schools - https://www.wnps.org/starflower