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map from Ecology

In the United States side of the border the State of Washington delegates authorities to Local Governments called Counties. There are twelve counties bordering the Salish Sea. Counties must comply with State Law yet Washington is a Home Rule State, where any authority not explicitly exercised by the state is delegated to local governments. Shoreline Management, Flood Hazard Management, Land Use, Transportation Infrastructure are all substantively managed by county governments. Counties are governed by an elected council, and may contain many Special Purpose Districts. Often complex relationships are established among Counties, Municipalities and Districts. Counties raise revenue primarily through property taxes and assessments, liscenses and fees, and excise taxes. The largest costs are for pulbic works, largely transportation, and for law and order. Ecosystem management often occurs through a surface water management authority. Areas within counties may incorporate and form Municipalities which have their own governance.

Puget Sound Regional Council

Four Counties Comprise the Puget Sound Regional Council, are the center of political and economic power and share some transportation planning.

Rural Counties

From North to South are eight more rural counties:

Workgroups and Efforts in County by Region

Workgroup Icon.png   Workgroups

6 workgroups in South Puget SoundOne workgroup in Hood Canal2 workgroups in West SoundOne workgroup in East Sound4 workgroups in Whidbey BasinOne workgroup in San Juan Islands

Effort Icon.png   Efforts

One Effort in South Puget SoundOne Effort in Whidbey Basin

All Workgroups and Efforts in County