Workgroups are collaborative communities, often within an organization that complete efforts
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The United States Federal Government is represented by a collection of agencies. On the platform we generally organize wiki pages at the Department or Service level choosing a scale that best describes a coheret body of programs. Ongoing programs are generally described as Efforts, and often include an effort category describing purpose. As with the agencies of the State of Washington or Canadian conterparts, The US Federal government tends to control the operating environment of ecosystem work by controlling funding and regulation as well as fielding technical staff. Except where agencies serve as land managers (for example US Forest Service, or refuges of the US Fish and Wildlife Service) agencies are somewhat disconnected from Place and with mroe generalized authorities based in The Law.
Governments Forming Systems
For the purpose of complex system analysis it can be useful to discount the hierarchical structures of governments, and instead focus on how programs across agencies naturally form systems that represent cumulative public capability. In this regard we can observe three fundemental systems of ecosystem management:
- Planning and Funding Systems - which evaluate the relative importance of actions to the public trust and allocate resources among willing actors.
- Regulation and Mitigation Systems - which track and constrain private activity where it affects the public trust.
- Observation and Learning Systems - which gather and synthesize data to understand the nature of systems to inform public decisions.
Workgroups and Efforts in USA and Federal
The following workgroup pages are associated with USA and Federal.
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- NOAA Restoration Center
- National Forest Foundation
- National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Marine Fisheries Service
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest Research Station
- Puget Sound Federal Task Force
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Justice
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Forest Service
- US Geological Survey
- US Navy
The following effort pages are associated with USA and Federal.
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
- Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
- Community-based Restoration Program (CRP)
- Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG)
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
- National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant
- Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF)
- Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
- Puget Sound National Estuary Program (NEP)
- Puget Sound Nearshore Habitat Conservation Calculator
- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE)
- Wetland Reserve Program
Products in USA and Federal
The following Product pages are categorized with the categories USA and Federal.
- Baker et al 2020 restoration scaling HaBREM
- CBD 2017 intent to sue oregon beaver control
- FEMA 2011 floodplain habitat assessment mitigation
- FEMA 2013 environmental benefits acquisition hazard mitigation
- FEMA 2013 model floodplain ordinance NFIP and ESA
- FEMA 2023 Flood Risk Mapping Guidance
- Ford et al 2011 salmon and steelhead status
- Kilmer et al 2023 federal grants news
- NOAA 2009 NWR restoration center programmatic biological opinion
- NOAA 2013 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- Wild Salmon Center 2022 infrastructure funding for salmon.pdf