Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
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HMGP distributes FEMA funding through the Washington State Department of the Military's Emergency Management Division, in response to federal natural disaster declarations. A federal disaster declaration includes the counties or tribes affected. These locations have priority for funding awards.
- https://www.fema.gov/grants/mitigation/hazard-mitigation
- https://mil.wa.gov/hazard-mitigation-grants
- Two declarations in 2020-21 triggered funding with pre-application due September 1, 2021.
- DR-4584: Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Skamania, Whitman, Yakima Counties; Colville Indian Reservation, Yakama Nation.
- DR-4593: Clallam, Columbia, Cowlitz, Grays harbor, Island, Jefferson, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Skagit Skamania, Snohomish and Wahkiakum Counties; Puyallup Tribe of Indians