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Lessons are Knowledge Creation Efforts and their Products that aim to learn from the experiences of field practitioners. This kind of learning is faster and more efficient than Research or Monitoring, borrowing the processes of craft and place-based knowledge. It has a role in Best Professional Judgement which is relevant in Funding and Regulation. Academic studies may lack the nuance and field experiences to generate these lessons.
- There are no formal improvement systems in the Salish Sea
- Coordination workgroups often serve as a locus for lessons, but formal improvement processes are rare.
- Kaizen is a collection of practices from Japanese manufacturing focused on increase the value of lessons learned through practice.
- The structure of institutions may affect the ability of our social systems to learn lessons.
Efforts and Products in Lessons[edit]
16 documents in Lessons- Baker et al 2016 estuary restoration lessons learned
- Boyd 2013 fisher slough monitoring lessons
- Boyd 2016 hat slough & fisher slough lessons learned
- Canty 2015 NEP riparian easement advisory
- Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
- Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining
- Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description problem focus group
- Cereghino 2022 funding system improvement to leadership council
- Friebel 2016 fir island farms lessons learned
- MC2 2018 lead entity lean study
- Meidev & Neslon 2016 qwuloolt lessons learned
- Ryan-Penula et al 2017 LIO plan summary analysis
- SRFB 2019 large project barriers
- Shreffler et al 2008 jimmycomelately lessons learned
- TNC 2013 fisher slough lessons learned
- TNC 2014 fir island farms restoration lessons learned