Culvert Replacement Regulatory Coordination
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This is a Continuous Improvement test project that aims to reduce the per culvert cost of regulatory review. The proposal is to develop standard methods for presenting an engineering design that is consistent with best design practices, so that regulatory review can be fast and final, without unexpected requests for information and limiting modification. Pilot work is being done in support of Snohomish County efforts, with an eye toward the effects of the Culvert Case.
- File:A3 culvert regulation.docx - This continuously revised A3 is being used to track the effort agreement.
- NOAA is circulating a final draft: File:Cereghino 2021 culvert application worksheet 21-0208.docx
- NOAA Restoration Center is soliciting improvements from a range of local and regulatory partners: File:Cereghino 2019 DRAFT culvert guidance 19-1010.pdf
- NOAA Restoration Center is sharing a draft concept for the product of this work with various parties: File:Cereghino 2019 draft culvert guide concept.pdf
- The Ecosystem Coordination Board has reviewed and sanctioned the A3, and supported clear and organized participation in the effort by NOAA,USACE,WDOE, and WDFW
- File:Culvert regulation working document.docx - this is a working document that presents the project managers findings to date.
- We completed a full team workshop at USACE on December 12, 2017.
- File:Culvert workshop overview.pdf an raw description of the culvert regulatory workflow, and some culvert replacement landscapes based on Snohomish County assessments.
- File:Culvert workshop fieldwork.pdf showing local conditions and images for a selection of culverts to stimulate discussion about issues.
- - Hydraulic Project Approval process regulates construction in state waters.
- ORIA supports and maintains the JARPA (Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application).
- Wilhere et al 2016 describes incorporation of climate change into water crossing design.
- Barnard et al 2013 describes WDFW recommendations for designing state-approved water crossing structures including culverts.
- WDFW 2018 provides a checklist for water crossing structure drawings to be submitted with an HPA.
- WDFW 2003 is the old culvert design guidance, and includes an Appendix F, which provides a template for presenting data used to make design decisions!
- File:WDFW 2018 typical stream channel drawings.pdf provides example technical drawings for describing a stream project.
- File:USACE 2018 drawing checklist and sample water crossing drawings.pdf
- File:NOAA & USFWS 2015 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion.pdf includes BMPs for fish passage. File:USFWS & NOAA 2016 contractors handbook PROJECTS BMPs.pdf summarizes design guidance under this BiOp.
- File:NOAA NMFS 2011 fish passage design.pdf referenced as acceptable method by WDFW.
- File:WDFW 2015 guidance using NMFS design.pdf note issued by WDFW on use of NMFS design criteria.
The following staff are providing technical assistance within limits of their individual work plans:
- Project coordinator: Paul Cereghino
Regulatory Team
Local Team
- Clarissa Barret, Ted Parker, Jim Blankenbeckler & Crilly Ritz (Snohomish County)
- Gregor Mhyr & Terry Drochak (WDOT)
- Evan Lewis (King County)