Puget Sound Ecosystem Funding

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This diagram was developed as part of Continuous Improvement efforts to describe the network of funding programs and plans accessed by local workgroups

Puget Sound Ecosystem Funding is provided by network of mostly Federal and State, and a few Local, public government programs (classified as "Efforts" on the platform). Funding is often associated with a Planning system--for example, funding for State Salmon Programs is largely driven by Salmon Recovery Planning. Efforts usually apply through a competitive process, and those that meet the needs of the right plan and meet other criteria generally get funds. Most Federal funding systems make awards on an annual basis. Most State funding systems are organized on a biennial cycle driven by the Washington State Capital Budget.

One of the best ways to understand how ecological work happens in Puget Sound is to understand the mechanics of the funding system. The quantity of resources allocated to different needs describes a status quo values system measurable in dollars. Local Jurisdictions vary widely in their allocation of public resources to ecological work. Staffing enables pursuit of state and federal funds. Observing how local government staffing is organized around ecosystem work provides a useful gauge of local effort.

Funding Topics

5 Topics in Funding

Notes on The Puget Sound Funding System

Funding Programs

On the wiki, funding programs are described and analyzed using effort pages, and are organized by the origin of funds (see Strata of Government). Insiders frequently identify programs by acronym, and so the colloquial acronym is included in the page name. Common usage may be non-phonetic (for example, PSAR is commonly pronounced 'Pee-Sar'). More then one workgroup may be involved in program administration, funding varies from year to year, more than one webpage may describe the program, each program may reference or consider several planning efforts, and the precise objectives of the program may not be apparent on the website, and require evaluation of the RFP, which may change. Understanding the dynamics of this network of programs requires experience.

All Workgroups and Efforts in Funding

Effort Icon.png   Efforts

Funding Products

The following Product pages are categorized with Funding.

Document Icon.jpg  Documents

Blackmore 2009 obstacles to salmon recovery projects  •  Canty 2015 NEP riparian easement advisory  •  Cereghino 2009 conservation marketplace concept  •  Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration  •  Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment concept  •  Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining  •  Cereghino 2019 DRAFT project description problem focus group  •  Cereghino 2021 climate resilience capital funding  •  Cereghino 2022 funding system improvement to leadership council  •  Kilmer et al 2023 federal grants news  •  MC2 2018 lead entity lean study  •  RCO et al 2023 Align grant coordination MOU  •  Ryan-Penula et al 2017 LIO plan summary analysis  •  SRFB 2019 large project barriers  •  Sahandy & Daily 2014 watershed proviso recommendations  •  Wild Salmon Center 2022 infrastructure funding for salmon.pdf  •  Williamson 2020 streamline grant budgets washington.pdf

Website Icon.jpg  Websites & Datasets

Graphic Icon.jpg  Graphics