Bioregional Funding Facilities Funding Resources
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- Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining
- WDNR 2001 shorezone data dictionary
- Thurston County 2015 county-wide planning policies
- TRPC 2013 sustainable thurston development plan
- TNC 2011 fisher slough monitoring baseline report
- TCAMRC 2018 thurston amphibian road survey summary
- TCAMRC 2017 thurston amphibian road survey protocols
- Sync 2018 infrastructure coordination fact sheet
- Sync 2018 DRAFT strategic plan for infrastructure coordination
- Stuart & Canty 2010 environmental markets for agriculture
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The Bioregional Funding Facility project is supported by the Terran Collective in the Bay Area, and compiled a set of federal funding sources that align with the goals of integrated bioregional funding.
- Identifies a set of federal funding sources