From Salish Sea Wiki
The category is for efforts, workgroups, documents or topics related to teh recovery of historical ecosystem structures, processes or services.
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
- Beach Nourishment (empty)
- Engineered Log Jams (2 P, 1 F)
- Fish Passage (2 P)
- Revegetation (7 P, 4 F)
Pages in category "Restoration"
The following 200 pages are in the current category.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Baek et al 2015 mid-spencer 60% design
- Baker et al 2016 estuary restoration lessons learned
- Barber 2014 vegetation and sediment at port susan
- Barnaby Reach Restoration
- Barnas et al 2015 pacific salmon restoration project targeting
- Beach Nourishment
- Beamer 2016 fisher slough restoration effectiveness
- Beamer et al 2003 importance of non-natal pocket estuaries
- Beamer et al 2006 deepwater slough effectiveness
- Beamer et al 2006 whidbey pocket estuary fish
- Beamer et al 2013 chinook salmon non-natal stream rearing
- Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2011
- Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2012
- Beamer et al 2018 fir island farms fish monitoring 2015-18
- Beechie et al 2010 process based restoration of rivers
- Beneficial Use of Dredge Materials
- Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines
- Biddle et al 2022 national strategy protect restore floodplain wetland function
- Biocultural Restoration
- Blackberry Conversion
- Blackmore 2009 obstacles to salmon recovery projects
- BLM 1999 sampling vegetation attributes
- Bloch et al. 2019 coastal stream and embayment restoration prioritization
- Blue Heron Mitigation Bank
- Boevers 2008 adaptive management large-scale restoration
- Boyd 2013 fisher slough monitoring lessons
- Boyd 2016 hat slough & fisher slough lessons learned
- Brown 2015 DRAFT nooksack floodplain vision and implementation
- Carah et al 2014 low cost wood in streams
- Cardno-entrix 2013 snow creek design report
- Celedonia 2002 forest and scrub-shrub restoration benchmarks
- Center for Natural Lands Management
- Cereghino 2004 native cutting thesis
- Cereghino 2009 introduction to vegetation monitoring
- Cereghino 2009 revegetation nearshore
- Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
- Cereghino 2019 summary of cutting bed installation seattle
- Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13)
- Cereghino 2022 edmonds marsh watershed desktop assessment
- Cereghino 2023 Reiner stewardship plan
- Cereghino 2024 draft riverscape agroforestry principles
- Cereghino et al 2022 beach nourishment science sprint
- CLAMP 2009 capitol lake steering committee recommendation
- Clancy et al 2009 PSNERP nearshore management measures
- Collins & Montgomery 2002 restoring wood in river floodplains
- Conservation on Private Lands
- Cornu et al 2008 large wood placement in tidal wetlands
- Country Club Road Stream Crossing at Green Cove Creek
- Crescent Harbor Lagoon Restoration
- Crowder & Darris 1999 produce cuttings in beds
- Cutting and Livestake Production, Processing and Installation
- Dam Removal
- Darris 2006 suggestions for cutting installation
- David et al 2014 chinook salmon foraging nisqually after restoration
- Deepwater Slough Restoration
- Deschutes Estuary Restoration Project
- Designing large wood placement in tidal marshes
- Detheir et al 2020 snohomish railroad grade nourishment
- Development of Tidal Channels Following Restoration
- Devine & Harrington 2010 planting garry oak
- Diefenderfer et al 2007 multiple scale coastal restoration assessment
- Drummond et al 2018 Poster edgewater bulkhead removal and boat lidar
- Duda et al 2023 dam removal cost prediction
- Dunwiddie et al. 2009 restoration resilience for climate change
- Earthcorps
- Ecology 2015 riparian restoration and protection initiative grant guidelines
- Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment Model
- Edgewater Beach Bulkhead Removal
- Ediz Hook Restoration
- Eelgrass Restoration
- Effects of Exposed Tidal Flats on Water Temperature in the Snohomish Estuary
- Effects of River Delta Restoration on Salmon Populations
- Ehinger et al 2015 DRAFT beach habitat value
- Ehrenfeld & Toth 1997 restoration in ecosystem context
- Engineered Log Jams
- EPA-USACE 2008 compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources
- ESA et al. 2022 coastal stream and embayment fish access framework
- ESRP 2012 red salmon slough revegetation deliverables
- Estuary Restoration for Northern Puget Sound Birds
- Evaluating Salmon Rearing Limitations in River Deltas
- Everett Marshlands Restoration
- Everett Riverfront Wetlands
- Farmhouse Reach Floodplain Restoration
- Feeder Bluff Outreach and Armor Removal (Island and Jefferson counties)
- Fir Island Farm Restoration
- Fisher Slough Restoration
- Flint 2012 woods creek riparian action plan
- Flood fencing
- Floodplain Permit Streamlining Workgroup for Nooksack
- Floodplain Restoration
- Fresh et al 2004 guidance restoration protection
- Friebel 2016 fir island farms lessons learned
- Fuller 2018 tnc port susan bay final monitoring report
- Fuller et al 2014 port susan monitoring report
- Gann et al 2019 SER restoration standards and practices
- Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team
- Giordanengo & Mandel 2016 willow and cottonwood installation
- Goetz et al 2004 PSNERP restoration principles
- Greene & Chamberlin 2024 multi-scale benefits of delta restoration for salmon
- Greiner 2010 principles strategic conservation
- Habitat Strategic Initiative 2021 estuary and floodplain implementation strategy
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT snohomish monitoring plan
- Hartema et al 2015 willow livestake diameter in reed canarygrass
- Hartema et al 2018 willow pole diameter in reed canarygrass
- Haskell Slough Protection and Restoration
- Hass 2001 snohomish ecosystem restoration opportunities
- Herbivory Protection
- Herrera 2007 canyon creek restoration plan
- Hill 2002 keyline yeomans and whole farm design
- Hood 2012 tidal channel reference model
- Hood 2014 natural tidal channel model
- Hood 2019 fir island farms monitoring yr3
- Hume & Bush 2020 final report riparian protection restoration
- Larson's Reach Floodplain Restoration
- Leonetti et al 2015 north fork stillaguamish habitat change
- Leque Island Restoration
- Livingston Lagoon Restoration
- Logging road removal
- Long et al 2011 snow-salmon estuary restoration monitoring report
- Lower Canyon Creek Restoration
- Lower Skykomish Floodplain Design
- Lower Skykomish Reach Scale Plan
- Lower Snohomish Reach Scale Plan
- MacDonald et al 2013 elwha nearshore workshop proceedings
- Marysville Mitigation Site
- Maulsby Mudflat Reconnection and Restoration
- McDonald et al 2016 SER international restoration standards
- Meadowdale: Informing Puget Sound coastal stream restoration
- Meidev & Neslon 2016 qwuloolt lessons learned
- Mid-spencer Island Restoration
- Milltown Island Restoration
- Moore et al 2003 vegetation monitoring manual
- Murcia et al 2014 novel ecosystem critique
- National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant
- Native Plant Salvage Foundation
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- Nisqually Refuge Restoration
- No Rise and The Letter of Map Revision
- NOAA & USFWS 2015 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- NOAA 2009 NWR restoration center programmatic biological opinion
- NOAA 2013 PROJECTS programmatic restoration biological opinion
- NOAA NMFS 2011 fish passage design
- Nooksack Floodplain Restoration with Engineered Log Jams
- North Ebey Island Restoration
- North Sound Riparian Conference
- Northwest Maritime Center Dock
- NOSC 2009 salmon estuary monitoring plan
- PGG 2012 leque island restoration camano island groundwater
- Plants for the People Nursery
- Polster 2002 soil bioengineering techniques
- Porrini 2018 fir island farms invertebrate monitoring
- Porro et al 2022 Assessing Effects Of Estuarine Restoration On Birds ESRP presentation
- Porro et al 2022 effects of estuarine restoration on bird populations in north Puget Sound
- Port Susan Restoration
- PREDICTING SHOREFORM EVOLUTION IN PUGET SOUND Guidelines and Tools to Estimate Gravel Transport
- PRISM - RCO Project Information System
- Process-based Restoration
- PSRITT 2015 chinook monitoring adaptive management framework
- Puget Sound Ecosystem Funding
- Puget Sound Ecosystem Planning
- PWA 2008 deschutes estuary restoration feasibility
- Red Salmon Slough Restoration
- Regenerative Riverscape Agroforestry
- Regional Support Team for Biocultural Restoration of Riverscapes
- Resources for Volunteer Urban Stream Restoration
- Restoration
- Restoration For All
- Restoration of Woody Tidal Swamp on River Deltas
- Riparian Buffers
- Riparian Restoration and Protection Initiative
- River Delta Restoration
- River Delta Restoration and Hydrodynamics
- River Delta Restoration Monitoring
- Roegner et al 2008 columbia river estuary restoration monitoring protocols
- Roni et al 2013 DRAFT BPA columbia river restoration monitoring plan
- Roni et al 2015 wood placement summary
- Rubin 2019 how to run a plant-a-thon
- Runnel Excavation
Media in category "Restoration"
The following 57 files are in this category, out of 57 total.
- Babyforest.jpg 3,300 × 5,100; 10.48 MB
- Dense willow planting.jpg 3,504 × 2,336; 8.19 MB
- Doghair alder.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.94 MB
- Edgewater bulkhead.jpg 666 × 408; 294 KB
- Estuary salmon recovery.png 562 × 828; 1.02 MB
- Fisher slough beach seine.JPG 960 × 720; 104 KB
- Fisher slough tidegate.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.59 MB
- Larson's reach ELJ from above.jpg 1,350 × 742; 158 KB
- Larson's reach ELJ from bridge.jpg 1,407 × 1,056; 273 KB
- Larsons reach after.jpg 800 × 535; 178 KB
- Leque channels.jpg 873 × 581; 189 KB
- Livingston Lagoon full tide breach from west.jpg 2,000 × 1,083; 2.11 MB
- Nisqually refuge from near ring dike.jpg 1,942 × 1,192; 2.67 MB
- Pierce levee setbacks.jpg 808 × 712; 242 KB
- Port susan borrow ditch.JPG 800 × 600; 269 KB
- Port susan dike remnant.JPG 800 × 600; 274 KB
- Port susan flood gate.jpg 800 × 600; 252 KB
- Qwuloolt first flood.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 1,014 KB
- Qwuloolt first flood.png 830 × 550; 512 KB
- Salmon creek estuary 2013 comp-reduced.JPG 1,600 × 699; 1.22 MB
- Salmon creek overflight.JPG 1,600 × 1,066; 1.55 MB
- Salmon creek overflight2.JPG 1,600 × 1,066; 1.46 MB
- Salmon creek.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 4.8 MB
- Skokomish restoration excavator.jpg 900 × 1,200; 286 KB
- Skokomish restoration.jpg 1,200 × 786; 965 KB
- Skokomish-project footprint.jpg 900 × 675; 516 KB
- Smith island dike removal.jpg 4,056 × 3,040; 6.73 MB
- Snohomish delta restoration.jpg 616 × 757; 546 KB
- Stillaguamish delta restoration sites.jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 1.8 MB
- Stillaguamish oblique summary.jpg 1,280 × 720; 324 KB
- Titlow oblique.jpg 800 × 531; 92 KB
- TNC 2012 port susan stewardship plan.pdf ; 1.34 MB