Nooksack Floodplain Restoration with Engineered Log Jams

From Salish Sea Wiki

This effort page is being built to provide an overview of work completed by the Nooksack Tribe to restore floodplain structure particularly in the North Fork Nooksack Floodplain using engineered log jams.

The following reach scale restoration efforts are part of this larger effort:

North Fork Nooksack Floodplain

South Fork Nooksack Floodplain

The following planning sequence underlies implementation of this work:

  1. Prioritization of limiting factors and geographic areas - WRIA 1 Salmon Recovery Plan
  2. System-scale habitat assessment to inform plan development - Fork or Sub-Fork Assessments Reports
  3. Reach scale design, including
    1. Geomorphic reach assessment
    2. Feasibility analysis and conceptual design
    3. Hydraulic modeling and geomorphic assessment - hydraulic memo and geomorphic memo
    4. Phased final design
  4. Construction
  5. Reach-scale project monitoring
    1. As-built monitoring and reporting
    2. Effectiveness monitoring, as described in a QAPP.