Leque Island Restoration
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Leque Island is a historical river delta island located in the Stillaguamish Delta, managed by WDFW as part of the Skagit Wildlife Area. Restoration is underway, with first tides on October 15, 2019. Leque Island is bisected by a causeway constructed to connect Camano Island and the Mainland, with restoration focused on the southern half of the island. There are additional restoration actions conceptualized for improving connectivity on a naturally breached area on the northern island.
- Everett Herald Article about breach 16 October 2019 - "Camano will feel a lot more like an island as of this week"
- Everett Herald article about monitoring results 26 Feb 22 - "Thousands of fish discover a restored estuary"
- WDFW Project Page
- View in Habitat Work Schedule
PRISM Records
- Leque Island Estuary Restoration Construction (2016)
- Leque Alternatives Analysis and Design (2013)
- Leque Island Estuary Restoration 2007 (2007)
- Leque Island Public Access (2006)
- Leque Island Estuary Restoration (2004)
- English Boom-Leque Island Acq & Res. (2002)
- WDFW and Ducks Unlimited completed conceptual design for partial restoration of the site under ESRP contract in 2007.
- During high river flow and tides in 2010 the dike breached, resulting in emergency repairs.
- Proposed restoration of the site provoked concerns about the effect of the project on the Camano Island aquifir.
- EPA has developed a Camano Island Aquifir Webpage
- File:PGG 2012 leque island restoration camano island groundwater.pdf documents groundwater investigations suggesting no effect.
- Friends of Eide Road are promoting a transition from hunting to passive recreation on the site.
- A 2013 award from ESRP led to WDFW & DU 2015 leque alternative design analysis