PREDICTING SHOREFORM EVOLUTION IN PUGET SOUND Guidelines and Tools to Estimate Gravel Transport

From Salish Sea Wiki

This project will develop tools and guidance to predict longshore sediment transport rates and shoreform evolution of shorelines within Puget Sound. Equations exist to calculate longshore transport, but input information required to use these equations has not been thoroughly tested in Puget Sound and the results are difficult to interpret with the sparse measurements of this process. This project aims to use observations from previous restoration projects and measurements of sediment movement at restored and reference sites to develop conceptual models and calibrate existing formula for estimating longshore transport to provide reliable approaches for predicting sediment movement at restoration sites in Puget Sound.

Related Materials[edit]

Partners and Roles[edit]


  • Develop project plan (In Progress)
  • Develop Wiki pages (Ongoing)
  • Convene technical advisory group (September 2021-February 2023)
  • Case Study Review and Site Selection (November 2021-June 2022)
  • Data Collection and Processing (October 2021-May 2023)
  • Conduct Interim Results Analysis (June 2022-August 2022)
  • Develop Guidance and Toolbox (January 2023-June 2023)
  • Final project report (February 2023-June 2023)
  • Final project presentation (May 2023-June 2023)