Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13)

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Cereghino 2021 delta adaptive management draft (2010-13).pdf
Cereghino, P. 2021. Delta Adaptive Management Strategy DRAFT (2010-2013). Unpublished program documents, prepared for Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. 43 pp.


  • This is an internal document used to inform development of the ESRP Learning Program at its inception. It defines an adaptive management strategy for the use of capital resources to evaluate investments intended in increase the ecosystem services of river deltas.


Preface (July 2021) Purpose Executive Summary Introduction

Importance of Delta Restoration
The Challenge of Delta Restoration
Integrating Research and Restoration Practice
A Proposal for Restoration Learning

Delta Components and Processes

Delta Processes, Drivers, and Regimes
Delta Structures
Delta Ecosystem Functions, Goods and Services
Differences among Puget Sound Deltas

Organizing Learning around Critical Dynamics

Learning is a Project
Learning in Capital Programs
Project Duration and Intensity
Selecting Proposals for Investment
Policy Relevance
The Importance of Defining Working Postulates
Barriers to Effective Adaptive Management
Building Continuity in Learning
Learning Project Selection and Peer Oversight
A Note on Comprehensive System Monitoring

Core Monitoring Strategy

Hydrodynamics and Channel Formation
Project Extent and Elevation Zonation
Channel feature baseline and change
Water Level Verification
Sediment Dynamics and Vegetation
Sediment Accretion
Natural Vegetation Recruitment
Out Planting Survival

Dynamics Reserved for Learning Projects

Salmonid rearing services
Biodiversity and food web development
Flood and drainage services
Human social dynamics

High Risk Projects

Tide Gate Risks
Limited Breach Risks
Downstream Scour Risks
Agricultural Drainage Risks
Sediment Contamination Risks

Systematic Qualitative Observation