Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2012

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Beamer et al 2013 fisher slough fish monitoring 2012.pdf
Beamer, E, R Henderson, and K Wolf. 2013. Juvenile salmon, estuarine, and freshwater fish utilization of habitat associated with the Fisher Slough Restoration Project in 2012. Report prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Washington.


  • Describes ongoing monitoring at Fisher Slough Restoration
  • Indicates that the tide gate did not affect fish density above and below the structure in 2012.
  • Using the Skagit model the Fisher Slough Restoration is estimated to have increased delta salmonid rearing capacity by 21,000 fish.\
  • Surface water salinity if fresh, consistently lower than 0.1 ppt.
  • Water temperature exceeded postulated 15 deg stress threshold beginning in May and June in blind channels, but remainder of site remained below threshold.
  • Dissolved oxygen levels were typically lower above tide gate than below tidegate, and lowest in blind channels, where it crossed 6.5 mg/l WQ threshold in some channels in July.
  • Most of the site is currently unvegetated.
  • Chinook were the most abundant salmonid followed by sub-yearling coho, with a salmon peak in may. Three spine stickleback was also abundant, dominating the site after june. Rough skinned newt and freshwater mussels were also observed.
  • Report provides recommendations for evaluating fish density measurements against multiple continuous variables.