Leonetti et al 2015 north fork stillaguamish habitat change

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Leonetti et al 2015 north fork stillaguamish habitat change.pdf

North fork stillaguamish.jpg

Leonetti, F.E., Rustay, M.D., Tran, T., and Purser, M.D. 2015. 2011 North Fork Stillaguamish River Habitat Inventory and Assessment of Change since 2002. Snohomish County Public Works, Surface Water Management. Everett, WA.


  • Describes conditions in the North Fork Stillaguamish Floodplain prior to the Oso Landslide
  • Channel condition was quantified by describing side channels, wood, bank conditions, and pools (p29).
  • Between 2002 and 2011:
    • Bank armoring increased
    • Side channel availability has declined.
    • Large wood jam count in sub-sampled reaches decreased from 42 to 27. Only 12 of 27 ELJs were in contact with low flow channel. Thus ELJs did not keep up with systematic loss of LWD jams.
    • Pool count is ambiguous as the quality of pools changed along with quantity, and depth and therefore pool measurement is affected by discharge.