North Fork Stillaguamish Floodplain
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The Lower North Fork Floodplain extends from the confluence at the City of Arlington, into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.
- Leonetti et al 2015 documents change in river conditions following restoration between 2002 and 2015.
- There is a USGS Gauge near Arlington
- There is a North Fork Stillaguamish River Steelhead Society
- File:STNRD 2011 sediment impact on artificial chinook redds north fork stillaguamish.pdf
- File:NF stillaguamish map.pdf - map showing fish distribution, floodplain (per Floodplains by design, and other ecological features.
- PRISM Contracts:
- 80% of summer chinook salmon (the predominant stock of chinook salmon in the system, spawns in the middle and upper north fork. Spawning locations are strongly associated with pool locations, with spawning habitat not associated with pools less used. The spawning gravel location in the high flow channel makes them susceptible to fall and winter flood scour. Most smolts leave the system from March to June. Only 4-9% are yearling outmigrants. Sediment inputs from Deer Creek are believed to conribute to declining spawning conditions in the North Fork (STAG 2000).
- Stillaguamish Riparian Restoration Crew - 31 sites with a cluster on Portage Creek, SW of Arlington, but a few sites on the North Fork
- Stillaguamish Riparian Restoration Crew 2, 2005-2011 - completed revegetation work on 42 properties mostly on North Fork private land, using prison crew labor. Final Project Report. This work is continuing, primarily on tribal lands through Stillaguamish Riparian Restoration Crew 3.
Engineered Log Jams
- Early ELJ project by Wild Fish Conservancy around Hazel Hole - Grant 97-1299 and Grant 99-1367 with monitoring report White & Abbe 2007.
- Stillaguamish Tribe installed ELJs completed 2011 - Grant 07-1737
- Anchor QEA completed a prioritization to select ELJ locations - Prioritization memo from Anchor QEA (This is not the full final report--could not be located.)
- North Fork ELJ design 2011-13. Design proposals has elicited some concern from neighbors over flooding, and project sponsor held public meetings and brought in the county flood engineer to demonstrate no risk to properties. QEA 2013 leland-douglas ELJ design
- Stillaguamish Tribe is continuing ELJ work with the North Fork ELJ Project 3 Planned completion in 2016.