Habitat Strategic Initiative 2021 estuary and floodplain implementation strategy
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View File: Habitat Strategic Initiative 2021 estuary and floodplain implementation strategy.pdf
Habitat Strategic Initiative. 2021. Narrative- 2021 Update. Floodplains and Estuaries Implementation Strategy 2021 Update. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Natural Resources.
- Integrates floodplain and estuary strategies, historically considered separately, but recognized as having overlapping strategic approach.
- Identifies three strategies for increasing restoration of Floodplain and River Delta area consistent with Vital Signs.
- "Sound-Wide Strategy: Sound-Wide Integrated Management Support – Promotes a coordinated vision of integrated management of floodplains and estuaries, which enhances outcomes for fish populations, flood risk, and agricultural viability throughout Puget Sound. (Section 3.3)"
- "River-Basin Strategy: River Basin-Scale Integrated Planning and Project Implementation – Supports communities to develop and implement restoration and Floodplains and Estuaries Implementation Strategy protection plans which address local needs and goals within an integrated floodplain management system. (Section 3.4)"
- "Risks and Costs Strategy: Risk Tolerance and Cost Subsidy Analyses – Highlights the opportunities to incorporate the flood hazard risks and long-term costs of development into land-use planning in floodplain and estuary habitats, which will dis-incentive development, prioritize the best areas for the purchase of development rights, and determine the long-term costs of conversion. (Section 3.5)"