Jim Creek Channel Enhancement
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Snohomish County will use this funding to complete habitat restoration begun by Sound Salmon Solutions (PRISM 13-1095) to increase stream complexity and diversity along 1/2 mile of Jim Creek near Arlington, WA and thereby improve spawning and rearing habitat for Chinook salmon. This project will construct 3 large wood structures (sited D, E-1, and E-2) to complete the restoration designed with funding from 2010 SRFB-funded design grant (PRISM 09-1377).
Sound Salmon Solutions initiated this restoration project in 2009 to improve in-stream and riparian habitat along a 1/2 mile of Jim Creek near Arlington, WA. D esign and construction funding was provided through projects 09-1377 and 11-1410, but recent design modifications recommended by stakeholders significantly increased construction costs. This proposal requests the balance of funding necessary to complete full project construction which includes riparian restoration, installation of 3 large wood structures, and removal of 150 ft of bank armoring.
Jim Creek is one of two tributaries that provide spawning and rearing habitat refuges for SF Chinook. Habitat conditions on Jim Creek are sub-optimal. The project reach is dominated by glide habitat lacking riffles and pools. Target species to benefit from this restoration project include South Fork (SF) Chinook, which are considered to be at the threshold of extinction (Shared Strategy 2007), and other salmonids. Landowners have participated in the design, donated nearly $30,000 in resources, and will continue to be engaged in this project.
- Four PRISM records are associated with the project:
- Final Design Report
- Bid Plans