Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines

From Salish Sea Wiki

Bentrup 2008 conservation buffer design guidelines.pdf
Bentrup, G. 2008. Conservation buffers: design guidelines for buffers, corridors, and greenways. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-109. Asheville, NC: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 110 p.

Over 80 illustrated design guidelines for conservation buffers are synthesized and developed from a review of over 1,400 research publications. Each guideline describes a specific way that a vegetative buffer can be applied to protect soil, improve air and water quality, enhance fish and wildlife habitat, produce economic products, provide recreation opportunities, or beautify the landscape. These science-based guidelines are presented as easy-to-understand rules-of-thumb for facilitating the planning and designing of conservation buffers in rural and urban landscapes. The online version of the guide includes the reference publication list as well as other buffer design resources

Keywords: Buffer, conservation planning, conservation practice, corridor, filter strip, greenway, riparian, streamside management zone, windbreak.